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Tony saw him coming and roughly threw Julietta to the ground before he reached under his arm, no doubt for his own gun. Fuck that. Daniil didn’t care why these two had teamed up to take his girl, he just wanted her safe. Lifting his gun, he quickly lined up his shot. He wanted his bullet to land right between Tony’s eyes. Daniil was about to squeeze the trigger when he saw Yury come up on the other side of Tony. He held his gun steady, but waited to see what his friend was up to.

“You cocksucking arsehole.”

At the sound of Yury’s voice, Tony stopped trying to get his gun free of its holster and spun with his fists raised. Stupid bastard didn’t even get to throw a single punch before Yury slammed his fist into his already fucked up nose, and he dropped like the sack of shit he was, out cold. Stowing his gun, Daniil rushed over to Julietta, knowing Yury would be watching his back, leaving him to focus solely on his girl. She was barely conscious. As he carefully lifted her from the ground, he pressed a kiss to her temple.

“I’ve got you, krasivaya. You’re safe now.”

She shuddered for a moment before she relaxed against him, trusting him.

If she wasn’t currently injured, he would have been overjoyed. He glanced over at Yury and grinned as he watched him deliver a hard punch to Rodger’s face, knocking out the whimpering arsehole.

“Let me get Julietta settled, then I’ll come help you load these two. We need to do this shit fast. Viktor needs a doctor sooner rather than later.”

“I’ve bandaged the wound, tried to slow the blood loss, but yeah, we don’t have much time.”

He moved as fast as he could back to their SUV and settled Julietta in the front seat.

“Krasivaya, I need to leave you for a few minutes, okay? Stay right here, and I’ll be back before you know it.”

She didn’t open her eyes as she curled up into a ball against the seat. He wasn’t sure if she was conscious enough to hear him, but Viktor didn’t have time to muck around. He sprinted back to the clearing and eyed off the two men, then the cliff. Maybe they could toss the pair of them over the edge?

“Not a good idea, boss. You put a bullet in Rodger. Forensics can identify that shit. And they are both alive, so we need to find out what they were planning to do.”

“They’re nothing but scum. Doubt anyone will miss either of them, but you’re right. Let’s load them up and get them locked down before they wake. I don’t want to have to deal with either one of them until after I’m sure both Julietta and Viktor will be fine.”

He didn’t say it, didn’t need to. Yury knew as well as he did that neither of those men would ever see the light of day again. They were dead men walking for touching what was his.


Juli couldn’t break through the fog in her mind. Her body was numb while her mind was curiously blank. She was vaguely aware of being lifted, then surrounded by warmth and a scent that wormed past the fog and had her relaxing as the sounds of a car starting filled her ears.

The next time her mind floated to the surface, she was standing in a dimly lit room. Her eyes wouldn’t focus, and by the tugs at her body she guessed someone was stripping her. Each breath she took in brought more of that calming scent with it, and she sighed.

“C’mon, krasivaya, we need to get you cleaned up, and then the doc will check you over.”

She frowned. She knew that voice. Who was it? Why couldn’t she remember? Large, warm hands ran over her body, and then she was being lifted. Her skin came up against a naked chest, and she pressed her palm over one of his pecs. The thudding of his heart reverberated through her palm, and after sighing again, she dropped her head against his shoulder, letting the fog in her mind thicken as it wanted to. She was vaguely aware when it started raining warm, soft rain before the fog completely stole her thoughts.

With a groan, Juli slowly woke, with what had to be the worst hangover she’d ever had. Why had she gotten so drunk? She frowned. She didn’t actually recall drinking anything at all. Fingers stroked through her hair, pulling it away from her face.

“Solnyshka moto, you ready to wake up for me yet?”

Daniil? What was he doing here? She rolled over, and pain lit up her stomach and head enough to have bile rising up her throat. She gagged, and a moment later, she was dragged to the edge of the bed, and he held her head gently, keeping her hair out of the way as she threw up into a rubbish bin he’d obviously left close by for just this purpose. While her stomach emptied out, memories flashed through her mind. Rodger and that other man… what they’d done to her. When she was through, her body went limp, and Daniil moved her back onto the mattress before he left her. He returned a moment later and wiped her face with a cold washcloth. It felt so good, she groaned in bliss.

She blinked her eyes open to watch as he moved around the room, taking the bin into the bathroom and returning with it freshly rinsed out. He was beautiful and so sweet. She frowned at that thought because he wasn’t always sweet. Nope. This was the man who’d taken a video of her without her knowledge. And she hadn’t forgotten what Rodger had told her. Considering how easily he handled her attackers the other week, and now Rodger and his mate, she suspected her ex hadn’t been lying. How was she meant to process any of this? Especially when her brain was still more than a touch foggy.

He climbed on the bed next to her before reaching over her to the bedside table. He came back with two pills, which he put in her palm before grabbing a glass of water.

“Here, Julietta, take these. They’ll help take away some of the pain.”

“Why…” She struggled to find words for what she wanted to ask. She wanted to know why he’d taken that video. Had Rodger told the truth? Was he planning to prostitute her out? Why had he been there at the cliff in the first place? Why was she now in his bed? And what had he done to save her this time? Also, was Viktor really dead?

He nudged her hand. He stayed silent, just looking at the pills, until with a sigh, she took them. Probably should have asked what they were, but the fog still floating around her mind had her thoughts tripping all over the place. And honestly, the longer she was awake, the more her body hurt, so as long as the meds took her pain away, she was good with it.

Daniil took the glass and set it back on the table before he helped her to lie back down. She kept her gaze on his face, trying to find answers to all the questions she had floating around her head.

“I had a doctor come and check you over yesterday. Nothing is broken, but you’re going to be sore for a while. He gave you something to help you sleep, which you’ve done for the past” —he looked at his watch— “fourteen hours. Doc said that was normal, that your body and mind needed time to rest and heal.”

“Why didn’t you take me to the hospital if my injuries are that severe?”
