Page 15 of Dangerously Safe

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I’m lying in bed, scrolling through my phone, when I hear yelling. “Harper, get your ass out here.” Ronan’s home.

I slowly walk down the hall towards the den. “Where the hell is she, Mac,” Ronan glares at his brother, who’s sitting relaxed in an armchair. Glass of whiskey in hand.

Before Mac can reply, Finn speaks up, “Ronan, you need to chill the hell out. She’s afraid of you enough as it is.”

“Good! She should be fucking scared of me. I specifically told her not to leave this damn apartment. I told her…”

I cut him off as I enter the room, “Jesus Christ, Ronan, I’m right here. Relax.” I notice a slight smile slide over Mac and Finn’s faces.

“Sit. Down. Now.”

He’s pissed. I can’t say I blame him. Finn looks at me empathetically as I sit close to him, as far from Ronan as possible. Maybe If I sit close to him and Mac, they’ll protect me from the wolf marching around the den. No one speaks a word. We’re all waiting for Ronan to say whatever he needs to say.

Today was by far one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done in my life. I’m not sure why I did it, honestly. In the back of my mind, I knew it wasn’t safe. I don’t know much about this life, but I do know the people in it don’t shy away from violence. If anything, it’s welcomed and encouraged. I think, more than anything, I just wanted to push back against Ronan and his irritating attitude.

I can’t help but admire his physique as he shrugs off his coat. Even when he looks murderous, he’s painfully gorgeous. Rolling up the cuffs of his shirt, staring directly at me with those piercing blue eyes. They’re darker now, as if his anger has cast a shadow over them. His gaze doesn’t leave mine for a second and a chill down my spine. There’s something between us. I can feel it. Although, I’m not quite sure what it is.

Annoyance, yes.

Rage, yes.

Disdain for one another, yes.

Passion… maybe.

Whatever it is, the chemistry is as undeniable as it is intense.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Aaaaand he ruined it.

I am not the type of woman who lets a man… or men… push her around. And I’ll be damned if I let Ronan back me into a corner.

Instead of curling up into a ball on the couch, like I want to after the last 24 hours, I straighten my shoulders and stand up from my spot next to Finn. I’ll be damned if I let him tower over me like that. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” I can’t help but silently admire the look of shock on his face. Like, he doesn’t believe I’m standing up for myself. “I told you I wanted to run to my apartment quickly to get my things, and you completely dismissed me. I’m willing to live in your damn penthouse just like you asked, with three strange men I hardly know.” I can hear my voice growing louder. “All I wanted was my things so I would be a little more comfortable. Instead of giving me one hour of your precious day, you sent me to my room like a damn child!” I can feel my nails digging into my palm as I clench my fists and force myself to take a deep breath. “Yes, I left when I shouldn’t have and put myself in danger. For that, I’m sorry.”

Closing the distance between us, I raise my hand and poke my finger in the center of his chest, “But I will not apologize for wanting the things that make me who I am when you have made me question who exactly that is!”

Holy shit. I can’t believe I just did that.

Ronan’s gaze sweeps across my face as his lips tighten. I watch his chest rise and fall as he takes a deep breath like he’s trying not to strangle me with his bare hands.

Finn’s voice cuts through the tension, “Harper, Angel… Come sit back down.” His hand is outstretched towards mine.

I slowly return to my seat, tucked even closer to Finn than before.

Ronan calmly walks over to the bar and pours himself two fingers of whiskey. He gulps it down in one swallow and spins back to face me. With his blue eyes locked on mine, he taps the side of the glass a few times with one of his rings before sending the glass flying across the room, shattering it against the wall.



Fuck. This isn’t good.

I knew as soon as Ronan called and told us Harper was gone that he would go off the rails. He doesn’t do particularly well with people disobeying his orders… never has.

When we pulled up to her apartment and saw her running around the corner with a strange man on her tail, I knew shit was about to hit the fucking fan. Ronan sprinted out of his car before Mac even put ours in park. As Mac and I rounded the corner, Ronan already had the man on the ground with the barrel of his gun pressed into his forehead.
