Page 16 of Dangerously Kept

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“Right. It looks like he followed you to Hayes’ Bookstore on more than one occasion. My best guess is Declan was using him to figure out where you all were keeping your money. Until this night right here.”

Sebastian pulls up security footage. I take a look at the date and realize it was only a few nights before Liam originally came to us about bringing Harper here. I watch her head of chocolate brown curls as she locks the door to the shop and begins walking down the street. I watch as Thomas follows her to her apartment. And I watch as his car sits outside her apartment for hours, taking pictures of her through her windows. “He’s the one who told Declan about Harper. That’s how he found out she existed, where she lived.”

“Thomas was probably going to use her as a way to get into the store, but once he sent the pictures to Declan, well, everything changed from there.”

“Where is he?” I ask urgently, my fingers immediately itching to wrap around his neck.

“Obviously, the address on the paystub was fake, and the bank account was Declan’s and not his. Asshole can’t even let his guys keep the money they make. Anyway, I was able to follow him on traffic cameras the last night he worked at this address. It’s just a small apartment only a few blocks from here. It doesn’t look like he’s left the building since the night before Harper was taken.”

“This whole time, the answers to where she is were only a few blocks away?”

“Yeah, man, I think this is it.”

“Call everyone and tell them to meet me there. You stay here and watch the cameras around that building. Make sure he doesn’t leave.”

Everyone else left this morning before the sun came up. Luca, Enzo, and Dante had some business to catch up with at their office, and Ronan and Mac went to check on Kings and some product that got delivered down at the docks last night. As much as we hate to admit it, there are still things that need to be taken care of while we look for Harper. We can’t let everything fall apart around us. She has to have something to come back to. Sebastian, of course, offered to stay here and keep digging. It was evident by the look on Luca’s face that he didn’t feel comfortable leaving Sebastian alone and unprotected, so I offered to stay here with him.

It only takes me minutes to change, grab my gun, and quickly call down to Ralph. “Yes, sir?” Ralph answers his phone on the first ring.

“I’m on my way out; my friend Sebastian is upstairs. I need you to place two guards on our floor. No one goes near him.”

“Right away.” He hangs up the phone, not wasting any time following my instructions.

Once I’m in the elevator and on my way down to the garage, I dial Ronan’s number. “Yeah?”

“Ronan ,” My voice hopeful.

I hear him calling to Mac and moving through the club, likely already on his way to his car. “Tell me, Finn.”

As quickly as possible, I fill him in on everything Sebastian found. Once I reach my Audi Q2, I put the phone on speaker and set it on top of the car while I grab a handful of weapons I have stashed in the trunk. It’s not likely I’m going to need any of this. Thomas is probably just holed up by himself, and judging by the looks of him on the security footage, any one of us could knock him out with one well-placed punch, but the faster we scare him into spilling everything, the faster we can find Harper.

Climbing into the driver’s seat, I start the car and speed out of the garage. “I’m sending you the address right now. It’s just a few blocks from me. Should be there in ten minutes.”

I hear Ronan’s phone switch to Bluetooth, letting me know he and Mac are already headed my way. “We’ll meet you there. Mac just called Luca, they should be there before us. He said they’ll wait at the back entrance of the building.”

“Finn,” I hear the desperation in Mac’s voice. He’s barely spoken since the night Harper was taken, and the way he sounds right now almost knocks the air from my chest. “Is this it?”

“He knows where she is, Mac. I can feel it.” I don’t know what it is, call it a sixth sense or whatever the fuck you want, but I can feel it in my bones. Thomas knows where she is.

“Me too.” He answers softly. However, his voice isn’t nearly as hopeful as my own. I don’t blame him, though. I know how much he’s struggling to block it all out. He won’t let himself feel until he sees her again.

“See you there, brother.” Ronan ends the call as I speed towards Thomas’ apartment.

Minutes later, I race around the corner into the alleyway behind the apartment complex to find Luca, Enzo, and Dante dressed in their usual gear. I grab my weapons from the passenger seat next to me and climb out of the car. As I approach them, I watch Luca instantly tense when he doesn’t see Sebastian behind me. “He’s back at the apartment.”

Luca’s brow pinches in frustration, and I hold up my hand as he opens his mouth to speak. “Security is posted at the apartment, and I instructed Ralph not to let anyone near him. He’s safe.” All three of them, Luca, most of all, visibly relax.

Enzo nods over my shoulder as Ronan’s tires peel into the alley. He and Mac rush out the second the car is in park. Like me, the two of them have been trained to guard their emotions during the worst of times, not to allow people to read what’s going on inside their heads, but, also like me, it’s nearly impossible when Harper’s involved. Because with one look at each of them, I can read exactly what is running through their mind. Ronan’s body is coiled tight in anticipation, his jaw is set with nerves, and his finger is twitching on the trigger of the gun already in his hand. Mac, on the other hand, all I can see is the absolute fury of a man who has lost the only woman he has or will ever love. The fury of a man who knows that the one upstairs knows where she is. The fury of a man who isn’t leaving here without getting what he wants.

“There’s no security in this building, so we should be able to slip in unnoticed through the stairwell,” Dante says as soon as Ronan and Mac make it to us. Ronan gives my shoulder a firm squeeze before focusing his attention back on Dante. “He’s on the third floor at the end.”

“Dante’s big ass will kick the door down,” the corners of Enzo’s lips curve up as he points his thumb toward their gigantic bodyguard, “and we’ll move in. I’m assuming you want us all to go in, correct?” he asks as he looks at Ronan.

“Fuck yeah. Everyone got weapons?” We all nod. “Good, get ‘em out. Chances are we won’t need to get a single shot off, but the show of force will get him to open up. I want us on our way to Harper within the hour.”

“Alright,” Luca says, squaring his shoulders. “Let’s move.”

The six of us move in a single-file line up the flight of stairs to the third floor, with Dante in the front and Mac at the rear. Once we reach Thomas’s door, Dante looks behind me, ensuring we’re ready. After Ronan nods, Dante rears his foot back, kicking down the door in one go. Thomas startles from his spot on the couch and immediately cowers, trying to disappear into the cushions. None of us hesitate. We form a circle around him, each pointing a weapon at his face, which is already covered in snot and tears.
