Page 52 of Dangerously Kept

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Mac continues pulling at her nipples over the fabric of her dress while biting the sensitive skin on her neck, leaving faint purple marks behind as he goes. There’s no way Ronan won’t know what we were up to now. But if he’s going to spend all night with her alone, he gets to stare at the marks we leave behind.

What’s a little friendly competition between brothers anyway.

Trying to make this as inconspicuous as possible, instead of pumping my fingers in and out of her, I press the heel of my hand against her clit and move the tips of my fingers against her G-spot. I grab a fistful of her hair, just the way she likes, and I can already feel her pussy start to clench around me.

“That’s it, Angel. You’re making a mess on my hand.”

We’re no longer swaying to the music. Instead, Harper has started to thrust between us rhythmically. If someone looked long enough, they would easily be able to figure out what we were doing, but I’m so far beyond caring that it isn’t even funny. Now that I’ve tasted her again, I want more. I will never have enough.

With one hand still on Harper’s breast, Mac wraps the other around her jaw and brings her face to his. I watch as the two of them devour one another, and I’m hit with a wave of emotion so strong it tightens my chest. Here I am, with my fingers in the love of my life’s pussy, watching her kiss my best friend, my brother, and I feel nothing but unwavering love for them both. What the four of us have together is considered outlandish and disgusting to many. They can’t wrap their heads around a relationship like ours, but they don’t need to because they don’t see what we see. We see four people who would do anything for one another. Four people who would burn the world around them to keep each other safe. Four people that would kill for one another. Four people that want to build a life they could have never imagined. A life that was founded in darkness but is now filled with light.

That’s what love is.

“Come,” Mac demands against Harper’s mouth. “Come on Finn’s hand. I want to swallow every noise you make as you let go.” I thrust my fingers inside of her and press the heel of my hand harder against her clit. My opposite hand tightens its hold on her curls while Mac fucks her mouth with his.

Harper wraps one arm behind her and around Mac’s neck, holding his face to hers while her other hand grips my jacket so tight her knuckles turn white. Her walls tighten around my fingers as I move them a few more times before she screams into Mac’s mouth. Her body violently shakes between us as she rides out her orgasm. I can hear Mac groan in reciprocation into her mouth, and I have to use every bit of restraint I have not to come in my pants.

Once Harper’s body relaxes, I slowly pull my fingers out of her and pull her dress back down. Mac gives her one last soft kiss before she turns her attention back to me.

“Open,” I demand.

Without question, she does as she’s told, and I slide my fingers into her mouth, her tongue moving around them, licking off every last bit of her release. I slip my fingers from her mouth when I hear Mac laugh. When I look at him, I follow his eye line to find Ronan standing in front of our booth. Luca and his guys are piled into the booth behind him, each trying not to burst out laughing. There’s no way they could see or hear anything from all the way over there, but they know what we were up to based on the way Ronan is glaring daggers at the three of us.

I don’t regret it, not even a little.

“We should probably go say hello,” Mac says between laughs. Harper looks over at the table and drops her forehead back against my chest.

“Oh, we are in so much trouble. He’s never going to let us come back here again.”

I tip her head with my finger under her chin and smile. “It’s alright, Angel.”

“Yeah. Just suck his dick real good tonight, and he’ll forget all about it.”

Harper whirls on Mac and smacks him in the arm. “Cormac McDermott!”

He huffs out another laugh and bends to kiss her cheek. “Come on, Pretty Girl.”

Mac grabs her hand and pulls her across the dance floor toward our table. Her worried face looks back at me. I mouth “I love you” and shoot her a wink and her expression immediately softens.

The second Mac and Harper reach Ronan, he pulls her from Mac. “The three of you are really going to give me a heart attack one of these days.”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about, brother.” Mac claps him on the shoulder and climbs into the booth with the other guys.

Ronan looks over Harper’s shoulder at me. “I suppose you don’t know what I’m talking about either, huh?”

“Nope. No idea.”

I softly kiss Harper’s cheek, and she says, “Love you more.”



“So, how much trouble am I in?” Harper asks, bright green eyes looking up at me. Her cheeks are perfectly flushed, both from the alcohol and an orgasm. I should be furious. Finn and Mac had no right to make her fall apart like that in the middle of the club where anyone could have seen her.

Well, they weren’t exactly in the middle of the club. They were tucked back in the dark, and it looked like they were just in an intense make-out session. The only reason I knew what was happening was because I know exactly what it looks like when Harper falls apart under our hands, and the only reason I saw them was because I was looking for her. I’m always looking for her. But that’s all besides the point.

Nobody besides the three of us deserves to hear the noises she makes or see how beautiful she looks when she comes. And if they do, I will gladly make it the last thing they ever see.
