Page 105 of Plan Interrupted

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The distress in her voice sliced through his heart like a knife. Panic ripped through him. For all he knew, Patrick was in her building.

“Why don’t you come home until we straighten this out,” he urged, as he struggled to keep the nervous urgency out of his tone, assuming the last thing she needed was to know how scared he was as well. He should have never let her go to work.

“I’m sorry, but I’m staying here. I refuse to let them manipulate my life like this, but don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye out for Patrick.”

Panic-stricken, he stared at the phone after Elizabeth disconnected the call. Unable to bear the thought of not being near her right now, he considered hopping in his truck and driving downtown. He’d never be able to live with himself if something happened to her...knowing Patrick could be right around the corner from her.

* * * *

At the end of the workday, Elizabeth walked with Mr. Kent to the parking garage. She asked him again if he knew anyone by the name, F. Manning.

He shook his head.

Everything seemed fine as she pulled out of the parking structure; no strange vehicles in her area, or individuals lurking around, yet, apprehension still squeezed her chest.

She voice-dialed Joe’s number on her cell phone as she drove toward home just to let him know she was fine and on her way.

After she finished speaking with him, paranoia set in. She eyed the traffic behind her through her rearview mirror.

Pull yourself together, Elizabeth. There’s no one following you. That crap only happens in the movies. She sucked in a deep breath to calm her nerves. It didn’t work.

Relief rippled through her when she turned down the dead end road she lived on, and no cars followed her. She pulled her SUV into the garage, and by the time she slipped out, Tony was standing in the spare garage stall greeting her with his warm, brown eyes and pleasant smile; eyes and a smile that very much resembled Joe’s.

“Hi, Elizabeth. How was your day?”

She returned his smile. She liked Tony, and every time she looked at him it was easy for her to see where Joe got his good looks from, as well as his kind heart.

“I guess it was a pretty good day, all things considered. What are you doing here?” she asked.

“We just wanted to make sure everything was okay over here when you got home. Joe would have done it except that he’s in the middle of something with the kids right now, so you’re stuck with me.”

She motioned for him to follow her into the house. “I appreciate what all you guys are doing for me, but I hate putting you all out like this.”

“It’s no problem. We want you to be safe.”

His genuine sincerity filled her heart. He was such a nice man, and raised a wonderful caring family. How did she get so lucky to become a part of something so special?

She watched him as he went about her house checking all the rooms, and making sure all the doors and windows were secure. He peeked out windows on all sides of the house, scanning the neighborhood, looking for anything out of the ordinary. His thirty-plus years on the police force had evidently taught him to be perceptive and cautious.

“Everything look okay?” she asked.

“Yep,” he replied with a nod.

She assumed that since everything looked okay, Tony would just be on his way, but instead, he stood at the foot of the stairs, lingering.

“Is there something else?” she asked, filling the awkward silence.

He glanced down at the floor. “Well, we were hoping you would just pack an overnight bag and come back to Joe’s house with me.”

He returned his gaze to her. The worry-lines around his eyes deepened.

Without hesitation, she headed up the stairs. Secretly, she had hoped for such an offer, and she certainly wasn’t about to refuse it now that it had come. She quickly packed her bag as he waited for her.

She and Tony walked through the garage and entered Joe’s house through the doorway that stood between the garage and the utility room. She shed her coat and boots in the utility room before entering the kitchen where she found Max setting the table for dinner, Molly sitting in her chair, and Joe standing in front of the oven with potholders in his hands.

Her mouth watered. “That smells wonderful.”

“I can’t take the credit for it, Dad made his famous lasagna for us.”
