Page 108 of Plan Interrupted

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He would have probably missed her had she not spoken.

“The kids are outside,” he stated as he finished pulling his shirt over his head with his aching arms.

“Yes, I know. They’re out there playing with Nick and the boys.”


“Nick’s out there, and they’re playing.”

He expelled a breath. “I thought they were out there by themselves. I didn’t know my brother was here. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“We figured you needed some rest, so we quietly ate breakfast. Then Nick showed up, and took them outside to play so you could sleep,” she replied as she stuffed her papers into the file folder and shoved it into her briefcase.

“The kids and I had eggs and toast for breakfast. Would you like some?”

He held her tenderhearted gaze. “You made breakfast for Max and Molly?”

She shrugged. “It was no big deal. They said they were hungry when they woke me up.”

He cocked his head to the side. “They woke you up? And asked you to make them breakfast? What time was that?”

“I don’t know. I guess it was about 6:30 or so,” she replied nonchalantly as she rose from her chair, pulled the egg carton from the refrigerator, and proceeded to make him breakfast.

Joe poured himself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the kitchen table. Nobody had made him breakfast in a long time. She moved fluidly in his kitchen, as if she truly belonged in it. He couldn’t help but smile.

Four months ago, this woman wouldn’t have been caught dead with my children, and now she was cooking them breakfast.

Elizabeth set a plate of scrambled eggs with cheese and toast in front of him. He lifted his fork and began devouring his breakfast as she sat across the table from him. He wondered if he and the kids could convince her to sit there every morning. Her gaze stayed on him.


She shifted in her seat. “What do you mean, what?”

“I don’t know. You’re kind of staring at me with a strange look on your face, like you want to tell me something.”

She smiled affectionately. “I was just thinking about the rocky start we got off to when we first met. You’re not the person I thought you were.”

He smiled, set his fork down, and placed his hand over hers. “You’re not the person I thought you were, either.” He stood, leaned across the table, and kissed her lightly on her soft, rose lips.

“Thanks for breakfast. I think I’ll take a shower while Nick is still here entertaining the kids,” he said as he turned and headed toward the bathroom.

He stepped slowly and cautiously into the shower, soaped up, and rinsed off. Simply needing a minute to himself, something he rarely got, he leaned into the wall of the shower and relaxed as the hot water pelted him. The force of the water stream hurt, yet it felt good. How could he be so tired with as long as he’d slept last night? He sighed. He could really use a vacation from his life.

Suck it up. People are counting on you.

A draft of cool air, followed by the warmth of Elizabeth’s body suffused the shower stall. She wrapped her arms loosely around his waist, pushing her soft body lightly to the back of his. Her hands floated over his chest. He imagined she intentionally kept her touch light as a feather, considering what he’d been through.

Blood pooled in his groin. She slowly slid her hands down, skimming her fingernails over his stomach. Despite the hot stream of water pelting him, goosebumps lined his body.

Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, she stroked just a couple of times before she released her grip and edged herself between his body and the shower wall. She stood before him, her seducing green-eyed gaze on him. He thought he couldn’t grow any harder; he was wrong.

He clasped his hands around her waist, dipped his head, and took her mouth, exploring every inch. Her sweet flavor seeped into his tongue. He kissed her deeper, harder. She met his quickening pace for a bit before she pulled her lips from his and eased herself down until her mouth met his erection.

Shock and pleasure shot through him at the speed of light. He stared down at her as she kneeled on the floor of the shower and took him into her mouth. His heart thudded against his bruised ribcage; he didn’t mind, as her busy mouth edged him closer.

Pressing his hand to the wall of the shower for support, he considered stopping was too late.

* * * *

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