Page 31 of Plan Interrupted

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What in the world is happening to me? Pull yourself together Elizabeth. Stay the course!

But no matter how hard she tried to will Joe out of her mind, visions of him kept passing through. Thoughts of him warmed her heart, yet made her head ache.

Stick to the plan. Stay the course. Stick to the plan. Stay the course.

Thinking the words were of no use, and she knew saying them aloud wouldn’t help either. Her head couldn’t control her heart.

Chapter Twelve

Though Elizabeth was busy at work, time and time again she found herself distracted by thoughts of Joe. In her whole life, she’d never found it so difficult to concentrate. Sadly, her long hours prevented her from seeing him on Monday or Tuesday, and she definitely wanted to see him before she left for her trip to New York. Thank goodness she was flying on the Wednesday night red-eye. She worked feverishly in hopes of getting home early and maybe getting a couple of minutes with him before she left.

She arrived home to find a note on her door: The famous Antonetti spaghetti is being served at 5:30 tonight if you’re interested. I’ll set aside a plate for you just in case you come home late. Joe.

Her quickening pulse zipped through her veins. She pulled the note off the door, shed her coat, and ran upstairs to change into casual clothes. She quickly packed her suitcase, and then found herself knocking on Joe’s front door at precisely 5:30 p.m. Even before Max had a chance to open it, the spaghetti aroma was enough to make her mouth water. The child invited her in and she followed him to the kitchen. Molly was already seated at the table, and Joe was fixing her plate. He looked up and flashed her a welcoming gaze with his yummy, dark chocolate eyes. Thrill snapped through her like a whip.

“Hello. Glad you could join us. Have a seat.”

“Can I help you with anything?”

“Nope, everything’s under control,” he said as he scooped noodles onto Max’s plate.

She sat.

“Chicken, sausage, or both?” he asked as he began preparing her plate.

“Chicken, please.” She’d never had chicken in her spaghetti sauce before, but thought it sounded delicious.

She sat quietly as she ate and listened to the banter between Joe and his kids, which mostly revolved around what they were doing in school, and the upcoming Christmas holiday.

Max did most of the talking. In fact, he hardly seemed to take a breath between sentences or change of thoughts.

His big brown gaze landed on her. “So, my dad says you’re flying on a plane tonight.”

“Yes, I am. I’m going to New York.”

“I’m gonna fly on a plane someday.”
