Page 52 of Plan Interrupted

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After sucking in a deep breath, she released it in a slow, calming manner, then took one last glance in the mirror. Red, I need some color to offset these dingy cheeks.

She slid into a pair of jeans and a bright red sweater, and then padded off to her den. Sure that Mr. Kent would be disappointed in her for missing work, she needed to make up some ground.

She worked for about an hour or so before she found she couldn’t focus any longer. All she could think about was going over to Joe’s to spend the day with him and the kids. But she wasn’t sure if she had the strength to face Nick. Not that he was the problem, his kindness to her the day before certainly proved to her that he didn’t dislike her as she’d thought, but she just wasn’t up to facing too many people today, especially those that knew her secret. A glance out the window let her know he was still next door. She sighed.

After busying herself for a while with household chores, she peeked out the window again to find Nick’s truck still in the driveway. Hoping for another distraction to pass the time, she grabbed the business section of the daily paper but was too preoccupied with thoughts of Joe to comprehend anything she read. She folded up the paper, put on her coat, slid into the new boots he’d give her for Christmas, as well as her hat and mittens, and trekked over to his house, though his brother was still there.

She knocked on the front door. Max answered, invited her in, and returned to playing. She stood in the entryway and took off her winter gear. The kids played loudly in the living room; toys were scattered from one end to the other. Molly ran up to her with her arms in the air and Elizabeth scooped her up, hugged her, and then returned her to her play. She’d never tire of hugs from that sweet little girl who probably had no clue how much she needed that hug, and affection just now.

Following the faint sounds of Joe and Nick’s voices, she found them in Joe’s office. They were looking at some architectural drawings and a scale model. Unnoticed, she stood in the doorway, watching and listening to them. Joe passionately explained the project details to his brother.

As he continued on about the project, Nick spotted her out of the corner of his eye and flashed her a soft smile that very much resembled Joe’s. “Hi, Elizabeth. How’s it going?”

“Good, thanks,” she replied, “just thought I’d come over and hang out for a while.”

“Come check out Joe’s latest project. It’s phenomenal, he’s an excellent architect,” Nick replied, tooting his brother’s horn for him, likely knowing his brother would never do such a thing.

Joe’s humble gaze caught hers. The man was just too modest, and too busy taking care of everyone around him, to talk or worry about himself. He was so unlike any man she ever met before, so sweet, caring, and unselfish. Her heart swelled.

Chapter Seventeen

Elizabeth returned to work early Monday morning following the Christmas holiday. The dark circles around her eyes had just about faded completely, and was now nothing a little makeup couldn’t conceal. The bruising around her arm and neck had faded some as well, but was still evident. She wore a turtle neck under her suit coat just to make sure no one would notice.

It was great her physical appearance would soon return to normal, and stop reminding her of what happened, but unfortunately, her emotional state was still a train wreck. Hardly a second went by that she wasn’t reminded of Patrick, and what he had done to her. Her body shuddered. She sucked in a few calming breaths and refocused on her work, hoping it would occupy her mind; taking it off her personal life.

Mr. Kent arrived at the office an hour later, and stepped into her office. “Good morning, Elizabeth. I take it you’re feeling better?”

“Yes, thank you. I’m sorry I missed so much work.”

“That’s okay. You need to take care of yourself, but we’re glad to have you back,” he replied with a smile before heading down the hall toward his office.

He truly is a great boss. Maybe staying here in Chicago wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Then I could stay close to Joe and the kids, and stay away from Patrick.

The mound of work that accumulated on her desk in her absence should have been overwhelming, but was actually a sight for sore eyes, providing her a distraction from her personal reality. She was only part way through the pile when her phone rang.

“Elizabeth Shaw.”

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