Page 56 of Plan Interrupted

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Chapter Eighteen

New Year’s Eve finally rolled around. Joe waited impatiently for his dad to arrive to watch the kids so he could go get Elizabeth, and meet the others for dinner.

The kids seemed thrilled to spend the evening with Grandpa, and Joe was excited to spend the evening with Elizabeth in an environment outside the home routine. Hardly did a day pass now without spending time with her. A tinge of anxiety tamped his excitement down. Though she was looking much better and acting more like herself, he still couldn’t help but worry about her. She still hadn’t gone to the doctor, and still wouldn’t hear of pressing charges.

He pulled his truck into her driveway so she didn’t have to trek through the snow, and hustled into her house to get her.

“Elizabeth,” he yelled from the foot of the stairs.

“I’ll be right down. I’m almost ready.”

He watched her as she descended the stairway with the grace of an angel. Her milky white skin glowed against the dark green velvet low-cut cocktail dress she wore. The dress hugged her toned, shapely body perfectly, causing his heart to dance. Around her neck, she wore a thick, gold chain with a diamond slide. No bruising remained on her neck or arm. Her skin showed no imperfections.

She smiled softly, and carried herself as if everything was great, and as though she’d never experienced the trauma she had in New York.

She was breathtaking, absolutely beautiful. When she reached the last step, he watched as she alluringly swiped her tongue across her lips. He stared at her rose-colored mouth as he approached her. Having had a taste of her once before, he desperately wanted another. He dipped his head, paused, and then gave her a peck on the forehead.

“You look beautiful.”


Elizabeth sighed a heavy, mental sigh as she slid into her coat and thought about Joe’s kiss to her forehead, that wasn’t quite the response she’d hoped for from him. She’d hoped for a long, lingering kiss on the lips, like the ones they’d shared the night before she left for New York. But instead, she got a disappointing peck on the forehead.

She thanked him for his compliment, and added one of her own. “You look very handsome yourself.”

He looked absolutely perfect in his black, double-breasted suit, pressed white shirt, and red and green striped silk tie. What the man did for a suit should be considered a crime. And to top it off, his scent, his wonderful, masculine scent nearly drove her insane.

Everyone had been seated at the table by the time she and Joe arrived. Holly looked unusually pale, and she and Sam ogled each other, as Jody and Matthew did their typical intense gazing at one another. She and Joe smiled and took their seats. The waiter came to the table with the champagne Sam ordered and poured everyone a glass.

Elizabeth shot Holly an inquiring look, and then glanced between her and her champagne glass. Her friend just smiled.

Sam raised his glass. “To good friends.”

Holly toasted with her water glass rather than her champagne glass. No one else seemed to notice.

Sam beamed proudly and continued. “I have a couple of announcements to make. Holly and I are engaged.”

Once the stunned looks on everyone’s faces dissipated, congratulations were offered. The beaming bride to be flung her left hand in the air above the table for everyone to see the obscenely huge diamond on her finger.

“What’s the other announcement?” Jody asked.

Sam smiled. “We’re going to have a baby.”

Elizabeth watched as Joe, Jody, and Matthew’s eyes widened. Silence fell over the table.

Joe glanced at Holly and Sam. “That’s wonderful. Congratulations. You guys will make great parents.”
