Page 79 of Plan Interrupted

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“Why is this door shut? No wonder you couldn’t hear the oven buzzer going off,” Max said as he turned and walked in the other direction.

Elizabeth slid herself off the dryer and headed toward the kitchen. “I guess supper is done.”

“I’ll be with you in a minute,” Joe replied as he stepped out into the cool garage to simmer himself down.

He glanced up. Jeez, God, how about a little break here.

By the time he entered the kitchen, Elizabeth had the kids seated and their plates served up. She had even cut Molly’s chicken strips into small, bite-sized pieces. Though properly preparing his daughter’s dinner would probably seem insignificant to anyone else, it meant the world to him that she had taken the time to do it, and do it correctly. It was the little things, such as this, that she had come to learn to do that touched him most.

When the kids finished eating they were excused from the table and went about their business. He and Elizabeth tidied up the kitchen using a routine they seemed to have developed over the past several weeks, which made it go quickly.

He glanced at his watch. A minute passed and he glanced at his watch again, selfishly hoping to see it was near bedtime for his children, he had plans for himself and the beautiful woman occupying the kitchen with him.

Elizabeth pulled a frown. “What’s going on? Why do you keep checking the time?”

He smiled and winked. “Just waiting patiently for their bedtime so we can have a little alone time. In fact, if you’ll excuse me for a bit I’m going to give Molly her bath and get Max going on his.

* * * *

Elizabeth watched TV while waiting for Joe’s return. She could hear Molly playing in the bathtub. At last, she heard the hair dryer. The pitter-patter of Molly’s little feet sounded up the hallway, and she bounded into the living room wearing her Disney Princess pajamas.

“All set for bed?” Elizabeth asked.

The little princess nodded, climbed up onto her lap, and hugged and kissed her. “Yep, good night.”

“Pleasant dreams.”

Molly slid off her lap, and padded off to bed. Her dad followed her. She’d never tire from receiving hugs and kisses from this sweet little girl.

A few seconds later Max managed to yell ‘Good night’ from the kitchen doorway.

“Good night, Max,” she yelled back.

Joe emerged into the living room. The hungry look on his face was unmistakable.

He took a seat next to her on the couch and pulled her onto his lap. “Finally, a little alone time,” he said as he wrapped his long, muscular arms around her.

Elizabeth sighed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked as he shifted her on his lap to face him more directly.

She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before she scooted her butt off his lap until it rested between him and the armrest of the couch. She leaned back and let her legs sprawl out over his thighs, then she reached forward and took his hands in hers, as she held his concerned gaze. “I want to talk to you about a couple of things before we go any further. I want you to fully know and understand what you may be getting into.”

His spine straightened, and his breath hitched. “I’m listening. You can tell me anything.”

Her words scrambled in her brain. She thought she had fully mentally prepared herself for this conversation when he was bathing his kids, and tucking them in for the night, but evidently, now that the time had come, she struggled for words.

He squeezed her hands, and softened his posture. “I’m here for you. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

She nodded, took a few deep breaths, and began telling him about her conversation with the Kents. She told him that it was not Patrick who sexually assaulted her, but in fact, it was Mr. James. After pausing briefly in an attempt to control her shaky voice, she continued explaining that she wasn’t their first victim, and that it seemed to be a little game they play. She informed him about how her predecessor, Maddie Moretti, also fell victim to them, and how they paid her off after persuasion from her brothers.

As she talked, she could see anger grow in Joe’s eyes. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but he snapped it shut before any sound escaped.

Her hands perspired, or were they his hands? Maybe both their hands, who knew for sure. She loosened her grip, and swiped his palms dry on her jeans before lifting his hands to her mouth. She brushed her lips across his palms, and then placed them on her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know how this happened. I don’t know how I could have been so stupid.”

He studied her eyes. What was he thinking?

It took him a while to find words. “Sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn’t do anything wrong. This happened to you. They did this to you against your will, and they should be held accountable. I’d really like for you to reconsider pressing charges.”
