Page 81 of Plan Interrupted

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“Elizabeth came over to make us breakfast,” his son chirped as he spooned another bite of oatmeal into his mouth.

He looked at Elizabeth and raised a brow.

She only allowed him a brief glimpse of her sheepish gaze before she refocused it on her breakfast.

Joe placed his hand on Max’s head and ruffled his hair. “Is there any left for dear old dad or did you eat it all?”

Elizabeth smiled. “We saved you some. Do you want blueberries in yours?” she asked as she rose from her chair to make his breakfast.

“Yes, please.” He poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” he asked in a whisper, as she handed him his bowl of oatmeal.

She winked. “Even Superman needs his rest.”

Ahh, there’s a little playful side to her. Bonus. He leaned closer to her ear, “What Superman needs is some one-on-one time with Wonder Woman.”

She giggled.

He would have loved to continue the teasing game they’d started, but unfortunately, the kids were up and ready to hit the ground running, which meant his day would revolve around them. No worries though, he’d resume his game with Elizabeth when time permitted. Wanting it all, he vowed to find a way to manage everything.

Nick and the boys dropped by for a while so the kids could play, and Maria could get some alone time, nothing out of the ordinary for a Sunday.

He and his brother caught a little alone time in the garage. Joe putzed with the snow blower as Nick leaned against the workbench and watched.

“So, Maria told me what Elizabeth told her and Angelina at Max’s birthday party? How ya doing with that?” his brother asked.

Joe glanced at him. What is he talking about? What exactly did she tell them?

Nick’s regretful gaze shifted to the floor letting him know his family knew before him, that Elizabeth’s need to go to the doctor had become more pressing.

The air drained from his lungs. And though his next breath stung his dry, empty lungs, the pain was nothing compared to his tightening chest squeezing the life out of his heart. Why had she confided in his family first?

His brother leaned toward him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s Elizabeth I’m worried about,” he replied, returning his attention to the snow blower.

“Ahh, Mr. Fix it, worry about everyone but yourself,” Nick sarcastically remarked.

Knowing his brother loved him, and was probably only trying to help, he fought the urge to glare at him, and say anything he’d be sorry for later. Why couldn’t his brother just leave him alone right now? Why did this all have to get aired out this instant?

“What are you going to do? You know, if she is pregnant?” Nick pressed.

“Don’t really know. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”

“You love her don’t you?”


“Then I guess we’ll be welcoming a new baby into the family. Won’t we?” Nick asked matter-of-factly.

“Odds are pretty good. If she’ll have me someday.”

Joe knew the odds were pretty good on both counts. Elizabeth loved him and would become his someday, and she would likely be having a baby. He was thrilled, excited, hurt, and scared, all at the same time. And he thought his life was complicated before.
