Page 89 of Plan Interrupted

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Joe arrived in Memphis safely. He phoned Elizabeth and Nick several times during his breaks, only to find out they hadn’t heard anything yet from Mr. James or Patrick. Though relieved the men hadn’t made a move while he was out of town, he almost wished they would, so they could move on with the plan, expose the men for the monsters they are, and move on with life.

Tuesday came and went, and still nothing from Mr. James or Patrick. Elizabeth assured him, several times on the phone, she was fine, but he still couldn’t help but worry. What if something happened while he was gone? Yes, Nick and his dad were there keeping an eye on things, but it was his responsibility, and he was letting her down.

The client visit on Monday afternoon and Tuesday went well, so well in fact, that the group decided to celebrate their extended contract with dinner, which seemed to last an eternity for Joe. He’d been able to sneak out of the dinner once to call Elizabeth and the kids, but he didn’t get to talk to them long enough. He couldn’t believe how homesick he was for all of them.

After arriving back at his hotel he placed another call to the kids before they went to bed. First, he talked to his dad, who assured him everything was fine; and then he talked to Max who talked non-stop about school, and then he talked to Molly who told him that Grandpa was fun to be with.

When he finished talking with the kids, he called Elizabeth. God how he missed her. He longed to hear the sound of her sweet voice, and know she was okay.

She answered before the second ring as if she were sitting by the phone waiting for him to call. It probably wasn’t the case, but he chose to believe it anyhow.

“Hi, Joe.”

“Hi. How are you doing? Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine. How did your dinner go?”

“It went well. We agreed to extend our service contract for a new development they’re putting together in Nashville.” He paused. “Ah, Elizabeth, why do I sound like my voice is echoing, and what is that background noise?”

“You’re on speaker phone, and the noise is the Jacuzzi tub, I’m running a bath.” A slight pause followed before she continued, “In fact, I’m peeling off my clothes as we speak.”

He hardened at the thought. “You shouldn’t tell me stuff like that with me being so far away.”

She giggled. “Oops, there goes my pants...oh, there go my pink panties.” Her words came slow and controlled, and her voice was sweet as honey.

“That’s not funny, sweetheart, you’re killing me here.”

“I’m sliding into the tub. Oh, that feels good,” she whispered. Her sensual tone caused his stomach to swirl. “I wish you were here with me, but since you’re not, well, maybe I’ll just have to take care of myself.”

He loosened his tie in order to swallow the lump that developed in his throat as he listened to her sexy voice carry over the phone line.

A husky moan escaped her lips, and he could hear the intensity of her breathing increase.

“Oh god, that feels so good. Bet it would feel even better with a partner.”

He shed his suit coat and tie. Sweat beaded on his brow as she continued. Listening to her made him so hot and aroused he could hardly stand it. If she carried on any longer, he’d likely burst.



“Oh...I can feel myself getting closer.”

He heard her breath hitch. Words escaped him.

“I think I’m almost there. I’ve never had an orgasm before. I wish you were here,” she whispered. Her audible breaths came quicker, nearly driving him insane as he pictured her beautiful, naked body on the verge of bliss. His body ached for her and begged for release.

“Stop...stop Elizabeth, please. I want to be with you when...” he begged in desperation. He wanted to physically be with her for her first orgasm, pleasure her himself, not hear about it over the phone. How exciting for her, he thought, to be experiencing a first orgasm, but it seemed odd at her age, and at this particular time in her life, after what she’d just been through.

She giggled.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, nearly panting.
