Page 18 of Unplanned

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“Autumn, thank you for the phone. We’ll be havin’ church about the shit with your mother so we can make decisions about what needs to happen movin’ forward. I know you know we’ve been havin’ Ghost and Brick follow you and you’ve managed to slip past them the last few days. That shit needs to stop. Now. They’re only doin’ it for your protection and nothin’ more. None of us give a fuck what you’re doin’ unless you’re associatin’ with a rival club or some other fucker who’s gonna hurt you. Your life is your own and we just want to make sure you’re safe. It’s safe to say Brick will no longer be watchin’ over you and I’m not sure if Ghost will be willin’ to stay on either. I’ll let you know after we have church today who’s gonna be your shadow from now on. Get somethin’ to eat and back to work,” Venom says as he takes his meal and Brick’s before leaving the breakroom.

I’d leave, but I really don’t have to considering Autumn grabs her own container of food and disappears. The rest of us don’t bother talking or anything as we quickly eat so we can get back to work. I’m already over today and the sooner we can leave and get through church, the better I’ll feel. I won’t have to be around anyone else other than checking on Brick and finding out exactly where his head’s at right now.

The second I’m done with my lunch, I throw away my container, wash my hands in the sink, and make my way back out to the shop where I get back to work on the bike that I’ve finally gotten almost completely torn down to the frame. Venom and Brick are over in the corner of the shop with their lunch as they talk in hushed tones. Brick’s face is red as fuck and I know he’s pissed as hell about the situation with Autumn. He’s not gonna take this shit lightly and I have no doubt in my mind he’ll fight for us to stop helping her until she can be truthful about what’s really going on and what has happened so far. There’s no way she can drop a bomb about seeing Doc and just saying she doesn’t have a tracker on her. So many questions fill my mind about her visit with Doc.

Was there a tracker they found and Doc was able to remove it?

How many people actually know Autumn went to see Doc and what the result of that visit was?

Do Quinn and Goose know about her visit and what happened?

This shit is making me start to question my fucking family. People I know are fucking loyal to the club and everyone associated with the Wild Kings. Quinn grew up in the damn club and wouldn’t let Autumn make her keep a secret like this from us. Even if she only told Wicked about it. He’d bring it to Venom without hesitation. Goose might not have grown up in the club, but he’s been around more than long enough for us not to question his loyalty for any reason. I’ve never once questioned either one of these people and now Autumn is making me do it. That shit isn’t gonna fucking fly.

Putting down the tool I picked up, I make my way over to Brick and Venom where they’re talking still. They stop talking the second I walk up. Venom looks at me and waits for me to say what’s on my mind before he says anything to me.

“I don’t wanna fuckin’ be watchin’ over Autumn any longer. She’s makin’ me fuckin’ question who all knows about her visit to Doc and questionin’ the loyalty of people I know wouldn’t keep her secrets or betray us for her. That’s not fuckin’ cool and I can’t be around her,” I tell them, keeping my eyes on Brick so he knows I’m on the same page as him.

“Thought that’s what it was gonna come down to. We’ll have church later today and go over this shit. I’ve got her phone now so she has no way to contact anyone or have her mother contact her again. Once Goose pulls as much as he can from the phone, I’ll make sure he destroys it so we know for a fact it’s no longer bein’ used. I get she doesn’t trust us, but Autumn should’ve fuckin’ told me about the phone. Even if it was just me. Or even Quinn. Brick, don’t talk to her and have her get information from Autumn. We’re gonna have to figure out a different way. I don’t want Quinn pulled into some shit because of this situation,” Venom states, finishing his lunch and tossing the container away.

“Fine by me. The less contact my sister has with the bitch, the more comfortable I’ll be. Got a feelin’ she’ll be leavin’ Cedar Bay anyway,” Brick says, looking between the two of us.

“What makes you say that?” Venom questions him.

“She had her things unpacked and put up in the room. Now suddenly everythin’ is packed again after her mother calls her. To me that means she’s plannin’ on leavin’ and wasn’t gonna say a fuckin’ word about it. Not to anyone. So, she can go fuck herself as far as I’m concerned. Not gonna let her play her fuckin’ rich girl games here. We all know she’s got more money than most of us combined. She don’t need the fuckin’ club and I’m not about to let her take up anymore of my time with her games and lies,” Brick spits out as he tosses his unopened container of food in the trash.

“Alright. Let’s get back to work. We’ll discuss this shit more in church. I’ll make sure someone else is on Autumn startin’ today. She won’t make a move unless we know what’s goin’ on,” Venom says, turning and walking back to his bay.

Brick and I slowly return to our own jobs as we prepare to finish out the day. My main concern is if I’ll be able to focus now that we know Autumn is lying to us and playing games. We all know she’s got the money to disappear on her own. While there didn’t originally seem to be anything making us believe she had ulterior motives for showing up in Cedar Bay, I’m starting to wonder if maybe she did her research and knows about us and what we’re about. It would certainly explain why she’d randomly choose to show up here of all places. Cedar Bay doesn’t exactly scream out for new people to stop by. Especially rich pricks who don’t need something.

Thankfully I was able to get my work done and tomorrow I’ll be able to start working on cleaning the frame of the bike before getting it ready to get sent out to be covered in chrome. There are a few pieces the customer wants to be chrome instead of the original color. The only reason I didn’t try to talk him out of his decision is because I happen to agree with him. With what he wants done to this bike, it will look really good. I might not be working on a custom project like I want, but this is as close as I can get to one right now.

After cleaning up my bay, I head in the office to drop off the invoices Brick left behind. He hasn’t stepped foot in there since lunch. I can’t really blame him because I don’t really want to see Autumn right now either. Unfortunately, I’m not gonna make one of the other guys take care of this for my best friend. Brick stayed much longer than I thought he would if I’m being honest. He finished the vehicle he was working on and pulled two more in. Each time, Venom got the paperwork for him and made sure Autumn knew not to come into the shop. She called Venom or Hawkeye if a tow call came in instead. I’m sure she’s upset, but that’s not my problem. She brought this shit on herself and has no one to blame but herself.

When I get in the office, Autumn is nowhere to be seen. Her car is still in the parking lot as I look out the front window and see it parked where it’s been all day long. I didn’t hear anything in here when I was cleaning up my bay and none of the other guys said anything about her car being left here either. Before I can try to figure out what’s going on, I hear the most horrible sound coming from the bathroom. Moving closer to the partially open door, I find Autumn bent over the toilet as she gets sick. Violently sick. Her entire body is shaking with how bad it is. I notice the fine layer of sweat making her tee-shirt stick to her back and her hair is plastered to the side of her face. How long has she been sick?

It hasn’t been that long since Autumn was last sick. That’s twice since she’s been in Cedar Bay that she’s had the flu or some other type of virus. I’m not sure about medical shit, but that seems to be a lot to me.

“Autumn, you good?” I ask, not sure why I even fucking care if she’s okay.

“Yep. You can go. Just leave whatever on the desk and I’ll take care of it before I leave,” she answers before getting sick once again.

I can’t just leave her here all alone like this. Even though I want nothing to do with her, I’m not about to leave her alone as she gets sick like this. Leaving the bathroom, I head for the breakroom and grab a cold bottle of water for her. By the time I get back out to the office, she’s coming out of the bathroom with a wet paper towel pressed against her face. She can’t even see where she’s going with the way it’s plastered to her face. Shaking my head, I grab her arm gently and lead her to the stool behind the desk.

“Here’s some water. Make sure you lock up when you leave. The shop is already taken care of and I’ll make sure the back door is locked before I leave,” I tell her, my voice coming out harsher than I intend since I don’t want to be around her.

“Got it.”

Autumn doesn’t look at me as she tosses the paper towel away and gets back to work. I know we’re not supposed to leave her here alone, but I’m not about to wait in the office for her either. That’s too fucking close to her. Instead, I head for the back door and make sure it’s locked and secured before making my way toward the office again. Without another word, I head toward my truck and get inside without leaving. However, I do realize we need to make sure the codes are changed on the security panel. If Autumn has them, I don’t trust her to do something she’s not supposed to. It could be taking things too far, but I really don’t give a shit. I’ll bring this up in church later tonight.

Otter and Bull pull into the parking lot so I finally start my truck and head out of here. They can watch over Autumn and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid to fuck us over. Heading for the clubhouse, I make a decision to pull out my bike and go for a long ride before church. Maybe I can convince Brick to go with me. We can both use the fresh air and a long ride to get our minds settled after the shitstorm today turned out to be. One fucking woman has completely turned our world upside down and it’s not in a good way.

Brick and I did manage to get a ride in. It really did nothing to help me clear my head or anything. If anything, I had more time to fucking think of Autumn and all the bullshit surrounding her. Just a few weeks ago, I remember thinking that she’d make a good ol’ lady. I wanted to get to know her and see where things went. Now, I want nothing to do with her and nothing will get me to change my mind about that shit. I’m over the mind games and lies she feels the need to tell. Especially about something as stupid as a fucking cell phone. We don’t give a shit if she has one, it’s more of a safety protocol and to ensure we know what’s going on.

Now, we’re in church and this is something we need to get figured out.

“Church in session,” Venom calls out as I lean back in my seat. “Goose, did you find anythin’ when you went through Autumn’s shit earlier today?”

“Not a thing. I even tried to talk to Doc about her visit, but she won’t tell me anythin’. I wasn’t really expectin’ her to because of the privacy laws, but I thought I’d try. They aren’t trackin’ her by anythin’ in her bags or clothin’. That much I do know. As far as if there was a tracker implanted in her body, we won’t know if she doesn’t tell us or give Doc permission to tell someone here,” Goose answers while keeping his attention on the laptop in front of him. “Also, Tony managed to find her mother at some hotel in the next town over. He had a talk with her about not bein’ able to force Autumn back home and leavin’ all of the club’s businesses alone. I’m not sure how good it will do, but the conversation has been had.”
