Page 2 of Unplanned

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“It’s no problem. I’m Dr. Tallman. Quinn and everyone else involved in the club just call me Doc. Let’s see what’s going on and get you some medicine if it’s needed,” she says, ushering me into an exam room where she helps me up on a table.

I go over what’s been going on for the last few days while traveling. Dr. Tallman takes my vitals and makes notes on a tablet as I talk and she listens to me. Before she can give me an exam, I’m having to rush to the bathroom that’s just outside the exam room she brought me to. Losing what little food I managed to eat, I spend more time in the bathroom since this all started. When I’m finally able to stand once again and not feel as if I’m going to crash into the floor of the bathroom, I make my way to the exam room again.

“Autumn, I believe you have the flu. I’m going to prescribe you something to help with the nausea you’ve been experiencing and you can take some over the counter medicine to help reduce your fever. If you get worse at all, give me a call and you can come back in so we can do some blood work and find out if this is something more serious,” Dr. Tallman tells me as I nod my head while she writes out the script for me.

“I thank you for the script, but I won’t be able to fill it. I don’t want anyone to know where I am. They’ll use this as a way to track me,” I tell her honestly while looking at the floor.

“That’s right. Quinn mentioned you didn’t want this on the books. If you need help, Autumn, go to the club. They’ll help you and make sure whoever is after you won’t get close to you,” she tells me. “For now, I’ve got some samples of a fever reducer and nausea medicine I can give you. I’ll write the directions down on a script so you have them. Again, if you don’t feel as if you’re getting better in a few days, come back to see me. I’ll make sure you have my number.”

I have no clue what this club I’ve heard referenced by Dr. Tallman and the girls Quinn were having dinner with is. If I were more alert, I’m sure I would’ve picked up on it quicker, but right now I am simply clueless. I’d rather be clueless than try to figure out what sort of club is in this town. However, I don’t want to drag more people into my mess than I absolutely have to.

“Thank you, Dr. Tallman. I appreciate your help in this matter. I’ll make sure to get some bottled water to stay hydrated as much as possible. And plenty of rest,” I say, not sure where I’ll park my car to sleep.

I don’t have the money to waste on a motel room, so I’ve caught a few hours of sleep in my car on a daily basis throughout my entire escape from home. Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean I’ll change what I’ve been doing because I don’t have enough money for a room now. Not after the repairs I needed to have for my car in order to get to this town. With a final thanks to Dr. Tallman, I accept her help out of her office and head toward my car. It doesn’t take me long to find a lake with an empty parking lot. I pull in and off to the side as much as possible before shutting the engine off and pulling the blankets I keep in the back seat forward to cover me. It doesn’t take long before the exhaustion of the day pulls me under and my eyes slide shut as sleep claims me.

Chapter One


Four months later

HAWKEYE NEEDED SOME time off today so I’m covering for him on towing. It’s one of my least favorite jobs at the garage, but someone has to do it. So, I suck it the fuck up and make my way to the tow truck. The one thing I refuse to do is remain at the shop where I’ll want to get my hands dirty working on a car or bike. I love losing myself in the work of finding a problem with a vehicle and then fixing it. It allows me an escape from the world when I need it because all of my focus is on the problem at hand. When I’m stuck in the tow truck, it could be hours between jobs. That’s nothing but time to sit and think about shit I have no business thinking about. Such as Ghost and I starting to want different things in our life for the first time since we were teenagers.

Ghost and I grew up together because of the club. He’s my best friend and it didn’t take long for us to start sharing girls. We both have sex on our own, but most of the time it’s both of us together with a girl. No, we don’t fuck around with one another. My cock has never once touched his. Even when we first started sharing girls and had no clue what the fuck we were doing. Now, I’m perfectly content to continue going from one woman to the next while Ghost is starting to think about settling down and having a family. There’s nothing wrong with him wanting a family. I just don’t see myself wanting one girl for the rest of my life. Or raising children. I’m the fun uncle and that keeps me happy as fuck.

Yes, I grew up in a loving home with a mom and dad. My parents showed Quinn and I love on a daily basis. There wasn’t a single day where my dad even looked at another woman. Even when they threw themselves at him no matter where he was or who was with him. Our mom stood back and watched one girl after another attempt to lure our dad into their bed and he never once paid them a second of attention. Not only did we witness the love our parents shared, but we saw so many happy couples in complete love growing up in the Wild Kings MC. Hell, we saw loving relationships in other clubs as well. At the end of the day, it’s just not something I ever want for myself.

There’s so much that happens within the club and I don’t want to be responsible for something happening to another person on my watch. My sister just went through absolute hell for something that didn’t even concern her. I watched on as Wicked lost his shit, my parents stayed here with us to help, and my sister almost losing her baby. She did lose the ability to have any more children. If there’s one thing I can say about my sister, it’s that she always wanted to be a mom and have a ton of kids. That’s no longer an option for her. At least not for biological children. I won’t ever allow myself to be that vulnerable or have such a huge weakness presented to any potential enemy the club may have. So, I feel as though Ghost and I will have to stop sharing women as he finds someone to settle down with and I continue on with my life as I have been.

There wasn’t a time when I was jilted by a girl and that’s why I refuse to have an ol’ lady or family of my own. I’ve always gone into each encounter with a woman letting them know I won’t be giving them more than a time or two in my bed before I move on to the next. Being up front with them is the only way I know how to be with women and I can’t do anything but tell them the truth of the situation. Up until recently, Ghost has always been with me for a time or two and then we move on to the next girl. That’s why we’ve made plenty of use with the girls of the club because they know what to expect. Rarely do we go out to find a piece of strange for the night. I don’t want to break some girl’s heart because she doesn’t want to believe I’m not looking for a girl of my own or to share on a permanent basis with my best friend.

I make my way toward the diner after making sure I don’t have any cars to pick up for repossessions or any other reason. There have been no calls for emergencies either. It’s going to be a really slow fucking day. Parking in the lot of Haley’s diner, I make sure I’m backed in so I can get out quickly if I happen to get called out. Ghost will be at work now so there’s no point in calling him to join me for an early lunch. Pulling out my phone, I call my sister instead. It’s always fun to spend time with my niece. Yes, I might steal her more often than not because she needs to spend time with me. I’m always going to be her favorite uncle. Hell, I’ll be Brindley’s favorite person on Earth if I have my way.

“Brick, are you in trouble again?” Quinn asks, answering her phone.

“No, I’m not in trouble. Hawkeye needed time off today and I’m in the tow truck. It’s already a slow as fuck day and you know how I hate sitting around doin’ nothing. So, why don’t you bring Brindley to the diner and have lunch with me? I’ll hang out with my girl and you can relax for a bit,” I tell her, a smile lighting up my face because I know my sister will always meet me when I ask her to.

“Okay. I was just on my way out. I haven’t seen that girl I helped months ago and just got word that she’s been seen at the lake. I was going to go find out if she’s okay,” she tells me as I hear her moving around.

“Have lunch with me first and then I’ll go with you to the lake. I can sit there as much as I can anywhere else,” I tell her, not liking the idea of my sister going to find a woman she knows nothing about on her own.

“Okay. I’ll be there soon. If you get us a booth, tell Haley I have the baby so she can bring over a highchair for her,” my sister says as if I’m going to let Brindley be in one when I can hold her just as easily.

Brindley is the cutest fucking baby girl I’ve ever seen in my life. No, I’m not biased because she’s my blood; it’s the fucking truth because that’s what I’m saying. My girl, yes she’s mine, is the sweetest baby and I love spending as much time with her as possible. No, she doesn’t make me want to have children of my own. I know when I’m done spoiling my niece rotten, I can turn her back over to her parents and go about my business. That’s what I do with all the kids in the club.

Making my way inside the diner, I nod at Haley before finding a booth at the back of the diner. I sit so I can see everything around me with my back to the wall. No one will get a jump on me because I’m stupid and sit with my back facing the room. I’d rather see a threat coming at me than be surprised. Especially with my sister and niece joining me. Quinn’s been through so much and I won’t have her put through anything else if I can help it. She’s strong as fuck, but there are still days when she lets the knowledge of never carrying another child overwhelm her. Those are the days we all surround her with our love and make sure she knows her life has changed, but it doesn’t mean she can’t have more children.

“Brother, have you been here long?” Quinn asks me as if we didn’t just get off the phone.

“No. I just got in here a few minutes ago. I thought it would’ve taken you longer to get here. Hell, I haven’t even had a waitress come over here yet. Do you know what you want?”

“Yeah. I’m getting a burger. I’ve been craving one really bad today. It’s been a while since I’ve been here considering everything going on,” she answers me with a small smile on her face.

“How are things goin’ at the hospital? Have they said anythin’ in regards to the application you’ve filled out to become foster parents to the little boy?” I question my sister because I haven’t had an update on the situation in a while.

“I just got the call this morning. Wicked and I were approved to be his foster parents. We’ve got the house now and nothing else is standing in our way. There are still steps to be taken before we can adopt him, but we get to name him now and then we can bring him home when they release him from the hospital. For now, I spend every day up there with him and the girls have been taking turns watching over the kids while I’m there,” she informs me as the waitress approaches and takes our orders.

“That’s great news! I’ll have another little one to kidnap and spend time with,” I tell her, laughing at the mock outrage covering her face.
