Page 20 of Unplanned

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She thankfully starts walking again and I try to wrap my mind around the fact that she’s auctioned me off in the past. The last words I hear her say is something about my virginity and doubting I’m still one considering I’ve surrounded myself with a ton of bikers who take what they want without thought. She makes me out to be a slut with just a few words and my heart breaks because that’s not the case at all. I’ve been with two men my entire life and that was at the same time. I don’t know many others who can say they’ve only been with that number of men at my age. Not anyone from back home at any rate.

I finally make my way back to the clinic and instead of getting checked out like I wanted to, I make my way back out to the door where Bull is still waiting.

“Everythin’ good?” he asks me as we make our way out to the parking lot where Otter is waiting by my car with the bikes.

“Yep. I’m just ready to get back to the clubhouse so I can lay down. I’m going to stop by a fast food place on the way back so I don’t have to worry about dinner. Do either of you want anything?” I return as we get up to Otter.

“No thanks. We’ll wait for you to get your food and follow you back,” Otter says, his face a blank mask as usual when it comes to me.

I’m guessing everyone knows about what I’ve done and are pissed at me about things. I can’t blame them either. These men and women are loyal and trust one another with everything. I’ve not given them my loyalty or trust and it shows by lying about something as simple as a stupid cell phone. I don’t regret doing it though. And I wasn’t lying about there being pictures on the phone that I don’t have anywhere else. My grandparents were my favorite subject to take pictures of and there’s so many of them on my phone. I’d love to still have them, but the phone has been destroyed along with all the pictures I’ve taken over the years. Pictures I’ve stared at when I’m so lonely and scared I don’t know what to do with myself. Now, I have nothing left of them and that’s something I’ll have to deal with.

Bull and Otter follow me to the first fast food place I find. While I go through the drive thru to get my food, they wait out by the edge of the parking lot. There’s only one spot they can’t see me and there’s no other way out of the parking lot without having to pass by them. I guess they feel as though I can’t get away from them so they felt safe enough to simply park their bikes and wait for me. Little do they know I’ve already gotten away from them and done what I had to do today.

After getting my food and a milkshake, I pull back out and get on the road. Once they’re able to, Otter gets in front of me while Bull remains behind. I’m essentially surrounded by them and have no choice but to go back to Cedar Bay. The ride doesn’t take us long as I let myself realize how close I am to actually getting out of here and starting my life over somewhere new. Somewhere no one knows me or what’s been done here. I can reinvent myself and be anything I want to be. Maybe I’ll spend some of the money I’ve already taken out to get what I need to change my identity so no one can come after me and I can go to school and get a job that doesn’t pay under the table.

I feel horrible when I have to see if I can be paid under the table. It makes me feel as if I’m the one doing something wrong instead of running from those who are in the wrong. My mother and Nolan are dictating my life at this point and I’m waiting for the day I can get through each day without having to look over my shoulder or worry about pissing them off. Of doing something to alert them to where I am.

Pulling into the parking lot of the clubhouse, I park in my usual spot and shut the engine off. Grabbing my bag and the food I’ve ordered, I get out and make my way toward the main door. Bull and Otter are already inside the building. They don’t stay around once we get back here each day. I can’t really blame them. Both men have families and don’t want to be around me for any length of time.

Walking inside, I find the common room full of people. Venom looks at me and instead of making my way over to tell him what was said about my health, I turn down the hallway and go to my room. There’s plenty of time to talk to Venom later on when not everyone’s around. He stays in the clubhouse until later in the day. Once the members and ol’ ladies start to head to their homes for the night, I can talk to him.

“Autumn, do you have a second?” Goose asks, jogging down the hall to catch up to me.

“Um, yeah. Everything okay?” I return, not sure what he wants right now.

“Yeah. I have your new phone for you. I was able to get all of your pictures off the old phone and put them on here for you,” he tells me, a small smile on his face.

“Thank you, Goose. You don’t know how much that means to me. Those pictures are the only ones I have of my grandparents,” I state, tears filling my eyes as I accept the phone without question. “Is there a way I can back the pictures up to a different memory card or something? I’d just like to have a back-up in case something happens.”

“I can get it done for you. I’ve got the pictures still and can get a second memory card for you to have. I can’t really blame you for wantin’ a back-up when you don’t know what’s goin’ on and those are the only copies. Give me a day and I’ll get you the memory card,” he says before turning and leaving me alone in the hallway.

Maybe I shouldn’t have asked for a second copy of the photos, but I don’t really care. If I have a memory card with just the pictures on them, I can still leave the phone behind and make my way toward a new life. Just like I’ve been planning. Just a few more days and I’m out of here. That’s what I keep telling myself as I let myself into my room and set everything down on my bed before going to the bathroom. I spend the rest of the night eating my dinner, reading, and making sure everything is ready for me to head out. I’m not sure how I’m going to get my bags out to the car without anyone seeing yet, but I’ll figure something out. I’ve got a day or two to plan and get all the last minute details sorted out.

Chapter Thirteen


GOOSE MAKES HIS way back out of the hallway after Venom motioned for him to go to Autumn. We’re all sitting in the common room. It wasn’t exactly planned, but sort of just happened when everyone started getting back from work. I’m sitting with my sister and Ghost since Wicked is still at the gym. He’s got about an hour left before he can leave for the day. I’m holding little James in my arms and taking in all of his delicate features. He’s the most handsome little boy I’ve ever seen and I’m not biased because he’s my nephew. No matter what happens, James will always be my nephew. Though I have no doubt my sister and Wicked will have no problems adopting him when the time comes.

Goose comes back out a few minutes later with a frown on his face. He goes straight up to Venom and they leave the table to head to the office.

“Brick, Ghost, Otter, Bull, my office,” he calls out as I sigh and hand James back to my sister.

There’s no reason for Ghost and I to be called back to the office when neither one of us want anything to do with Autumn. She’s made her bed and chosen to lie to the club. We’re over the bullshit and she’ll find herself kicked out of the clubhouse sooner rather than later. I have no doubt Venom won’t let her be around for much longer. Though, he’s surprised me when it comes to her so far. I don’t honestly know what’s going through his head when it comes to her.

Getting in the office, I lean against the wall and fold my arms over my chest. Glaring at Venom as he takes his seat behind the desk, Ghost closes the door behind him and stands next to me.

“Why the fuck are we here? I want nothin’ to do with Autumn. That includes you givin’ out information on her. The only time I’ll have to listen is if we’re in church. This ain’t church, Venom,” I bark out, my anger taking over.

“You’re here because deep down I know you want to be here and find out about the woman who’s gotten you all twisted the fuck up inside,” he says looking between Ghost and me before turning his attention to Bull and Otter. “What happened when you guys left?”

“Nothin’. We followed her to the clinic just down from the library Ghost said she likes to hang out at. She went inside, Bull stood just outside the main door of the clinic and I waited in the parkin’ lot. She was inside for a while, but I don’t know for sure how busy the office was considerin’ there’s more than just that inside. On the way back she stopped to get somethin’ to eat after lettin’ us know that’s what she was doin’. Now we’re back here,” Otter answers him as Bull nods his head in agreement.

“Goose, what happened when you gave her the new phone? Did she look at any of the apps to find out she’s bein’ tracked by you?” Venom asks, his voice almost filled with laughter at the thought of us pulling one over on the woman who’s lied to us.

“She didn’t even look at the phone. Not to see if there’s any kind of lock screen or anythin’. The only thing she did was thank me for puttin’ the pictures on there and askin’ about a memory card bein’ used for back-up. While I feel it’s strange in a way, I don’t really think it’s so unreasonable considerin’ she just thought she lost them all. Though, I believe she wants the back-up for a different reason altogether. She’s gettin’ ready to leave and won’t be takin’ the phone with her. Whatever you said to her about the phone she brought with her is stickin’ and she won’t be takin’ this one with her,” Goose informs us with a smirk on his face.

“I already put the tracker on her car. She won’t be able to find it if she looks for it on her own,” Venom says, looking around the room because I sure as hell didn’t know they were gonna put a tracker on her car.
