Page 26 of Unplanned

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Looking out the window, it’s not long before Doc is calling my name.

“Ghost. What are you doing here? Is Autumn okay?” she questions me, concern filling her voice.

“As far as I know she’s okay. Just had a truth bomb dropped on her, but she’s okay. Well, more than one truth bomb if I’m bein’ honest. Can I ask you somethin’ in private?” I return, darting my eyes to the receptionist so Doc knows I don’t want to be around this woman for our conversation.

“Of course. Let’s go to my office and talk,” she says before turning and leading me down the hall toward the exam rooms. “What’s on your mind?”

Doc closes the door behind me and we both take our seats on either side of her desk. I take a minute to find the words I want to say without coming off again as a complete douche bag. Finally, I take a deep breath and look Doc in the eyes.

“Autumn told us she’s on birth control. I know nothin’ is a hundred percent effective when it comes to that shit. However, should she have been able to get pregnant her first time havin’ sex like that? Is somethin’ wrong with the birth control she’s on? Or is she not really on it and lied to us about that?” I question Doc, knowing I’ve put my foot in my mouth when she glares at me.

Slumping down in my seat, I wait for her to talk. I’ve already been yelled at more than once today and it seems as if that’s the trend for how my entire day will go.

“Ghost, I get you’re confused and angry. Brick is too. While I don’t know the entire situation with the three of you, I can tell you Autumn was not lying about being on birth control. She absolutely is on birth control and I’ve written her a script for it myself. However, when she was sick the second time and you brought her in to see me, she was put on antibiotics. She wasn’t aware that they could render her birth control ineffective when she told you she was on it and chose to have sex. As far as she knew, she was on birth control and there was no reason to take any further precautions like using condoms or not having sex,” Doc informs me, a sad smile on her face as I visibly relax in my chair.

“So, the medicine she was takin’ to get better is why she’s pregnant. I never would’ve thought that would be the reason,” I tell her honestly. “Is there anythin’ we should be doin’ to help her with this mornin’ sickness? I don’t know anythin’ about pregnant women other than what I’ve seen from the ol’ ladies in the club. This situation is different and I need to figure out a way to fix things regardless of what’s decided by the three of us.”

“She can try a variety of things to help when she’s feeling sick, Ghost. Most women try saltines and ginger ale. Or dry toast. Anything that’s bland and soft would be a good option. If she ends up getting sick, it won’t be as hard on her body if the food is soft and bland. I’d suggest making sure she has her prenatal vitamins, the nausea medicine I gave her, and trying a combination of the crackers, toast, and ginger ale. I will be keeping a close eye on her situation and making sure she doesn’t need to go to the hospital for fluids and treatment if she continues on this path,” Doc says as she looks at me directly.

“This could make her go to the hospital? It’s that serious?” I question her, fear filling me at how serious this really is.

“Yes, she could. If she’s constantly sick and can’t keep anything down, she’d become severely dehydrated and it can lead to health issues if it’s prolonged and not properly treated. We need to keep her stress levels down and ensure she’s getting plenty of fluids and rest. Autumn needs to eat when her stomach isn’t threatening to lose its contents as well. The more she can get in her body during those times is the better for her and the baby. If you’re not gonna be there to support her, I suggest you leave her alone and let her get past this before anything else happens. It seems as if the three of you have a lot to think about and work through before any decisions can be made about the baby and future,” Doc informs me as she leans back in her chair and gives me a serious look.

“I won’t stress her out. Yes, I lost my shit earlier and that was a horrible mistake. Autumn didn’t deserve that from Brick and me. I want to make things right and try to figure out a way to show her how sorry I am. However, I needed to talk to you and make sure I had things right in my head about how this happened before I can start to process everything. I’ll pass the information on to Brick so he knows and doesn’t waste your time by comin’ here when I’ve already talked to you. Thank you, Doc,” I tell her, standing from my chair and heading for the door so I can make my way back to the clubhouse.

The short ride back to the clubhouse does nothing to clear my mind. Especially when I pull in right behind my parents. They made really good time getting here unless they were already on their way when we were in church. Bracing myself, I park my bike in line with the rest of the guys who have pulled their bikes out and wait for my dad to park his truck before shutting off the engine and getting out.

“Ghost, I’m surprised to see you out ridin’ around,” my dad says as he helps my mom from the truck and closes her door behind them. “Needed to clear your head?”

“Yeah. It didn’t work,” I answer him, knowing it’s just a matter of time before he loses his shit on me.

“Didn’t think so. Go get your brother and find a room we can have a chat in. I’m gonna get your mom settled with Harley before we have our talk. If you can find Brick, bring his fuckin’ ass in that room too. I’m not gonna address the club as a whole, but the three of you I have no problem givin’ a piece of my mind. Tank and Steel are more than welcome to join us as well,” my dad orders me as I make my way inside to find Bull and see if Brick is around.

Bull is sitting at the bar with Viking. I’m not sure where Haley is today because I know she’s not at work. However, the smells coming from the kitchen make it clear she’s here and cooking something delicious. I walk up to my brother and don’t bother taking a seat.

“Mom and Dad just got here. Wants us to find a room we can have a talk in. Need to see if Brick is around too,” I tell Bull as he turns to look at me.

“I’ve been waitin’ for this. Nothin’ less than what we all deserve. Vikin’ I’ll be back once my dad is done chewin’ me a new one. Tell Haley I love her and I’ll be back as soon as I can. Unless my dad kills me,” Bull says, not joking because we know that’s how pissed our dad is.

I make my way through the clubhouse but don’t find Brick anywhere. Even when I knock on his door, he doesn’t answer. He’s either sleeping or has left somewhere. I know he’s not on his bike, because that’s still sitting outside in line with everyone else’s. His truck is also here. So either he’s sleeping, ignoring me knocking on his door, or not in his room and hiding away someplace else. Without wasting any more time, I head back to the common room to find my dad and Bull waiting for me. Bull walks us toward the hall and into Venom’s office. Venom is here and sitting in the common room, so I’m sure he gave us permission to be in here without him. None of us just make our way into his area without him saying it’s okay.

“Shut the door and take a seat boys,” my dad says as I close the door behind us and he takes Venom’s seat behind the desk. “Care to tell me why we’ve all got Steel and Tank blowin’ our fuckin’ phones up with the way a girl is bein’ treated here? That she’s bein’ treated like an enemy and the reality of the situation is that she’s in danger and needs help. Help that you’ve barely fuckin’ given her.”

“Dad, we didn’t know what the hell was goin’ on before she talked to us earlier in church. I know that’s not an excuse for the way we’ve treated her, but we can’t change what’s already happened. The only thing we can do is make sure she knows we’re there for her movin’ forward and apologize for our actions,” Bull says as if that’s going to make our dad happy. News flash, it won’t.

“I don’t give a fuck, Bull. Regardless of what’s goin’ on with any woman, you don’t make her feel as if she doesn’t fuckin’ matter or that she’s not welcome after bein’ invited to fuckin’ stay somewhere. Venom might have been the one to allow her to stay here at the clubhouse, but it was up to the rest of you to make sure she felt comfortable and wanted to spend time with you all. That you all could open up to one another so you knew all the details from the very fuckin’ beginnin’. If Autumn had shared her story from the beginnin’ none of this miscommunication and other bullshit would’ve happened. Ghost, I’m more fuckin’ disappointed in you and Brick than anyone else here. You two had her confidence enough to have sex and yet still managed to push her away and feel like shit. What the fuck is up with that shit?” my dad says, looking between my brother and me.

“There’s no reason for it at all. You know Brick and I don’t trust easily, but that’s no excuse for treatin’ her like shit. We pushed her away, brought her close again, and then pushed her away. We’ve exploded on her, not trusted her and made it known, and everythin’ in between. Our behavior before church today was inexcusable and I don’t know how we’re gonna fix the situation with her. Or if she’ll even give us the time of day. We don’t know if she’s even gonna stay in Cedar Bay or go back with one of you. No one will know until we actually have a conversation with her and I’m not sure any of us are ready for that. There’s so much to process and think about before we sit down and start to fix what we broke,” I tell my dad, not making up excuses but telling him what I feel and what was done.

“Fuckin’ find a way to fix it, Ghost. You too, Bull. I want that girl to know she’s more than welcome with any of us and to realize she’s family. Even if no one here claims her, she’s fuckin’ family because she’s carryin’ a new member of our family. A son or daughter that we’ll welcome with open arms and love as much as any other child born into the Wild Kings family. Get the fuck out of here and fix this shit. Spend some time with your mom too,” my dad orders us as he remains sitting behind Venom’s desk while Bull and I leave him alone.

I’m sure he’ll go to meet Tank and Steel so they can figure out what to do next. Though, I haven’t seen either one of them since they yelled at us in church. Either they’re in with Autumn or have decided to stay away from everyone until they calm down. Tank especially. I’ve never seen him physically go after one of us before. Not that I blame him for going after Brick because I was ready to do the same fucking thing. Not because I didn’t agree with him, but because Doc said no stress and that’s all he was doing. Yelling and cussing at Autumn is not what we should’ve done.

Bull and I take a seat with our mom and lean over to give her a hug and kiss. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen them and I’ve honestly missed spending time with my family. Maybe next time we can make the trip home and see all the parents instead of one or two coming down here at a time every now and then. It would be good to see all of our parents at one time and not just because it’s a holiday.

“I’m not gonna yell at you boys. I think Steel, Tank, and your dad have yelled more than enough at you. Just know I’m not happy and I’m very disappointed in everyone here. I don’t even know Autumn but already know she deserves better than what she got from you guys. I’ve said what I want to on the situation and now just want to spend time with my boys. Tell me what you’ve been doing. And I want to see the new houses. I know yours is done too, Ghost. Have you even been up to check it out since it was finished?” our mom says, her voice a whisper with everyone in the common room right now.

“No, I haven’t gone up to see it yet. I’ve been busy and haven’t really thought about it. I don’t think Brick has been out to see it either. I’ll take you out there whenever you want though. If I can find Brick it would be even better so we can both see the place,” I answer her, a frown covering my face because that might be where Brick is right now. I didn’t really think of him going there for some reason.
