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“Are you going to?” I give her a smile, moving it so the barrel’s pointing at the ground. “Never point it at anything you don’t intend to shoot. Now, loading is simple.”

Guiding her hands, I show her how to insert the magazine. The click of it locking into place seems to give her a sense of satisfaction.

“That was easy,” she says.

“You’re a quick learner,” I compliment. “Now, the stance—it’s all about balance and control.”

I stand behind her, gently adjusting her posture, remembering how she felt an hour ago, when she climaxed for the first time. My cock twitches at the memory. “Feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward slightly.”

“Like this?”

“Exactly. Aim at the target. It’s not just about seeing the target; it’s about focusing, breathing, controlling.”

She lines up her first shot with concentration. “What now?” she asks as I slip ear defenders over her head.

“Squeeze the trigger. Be prepared, it’ll kick back a little. Hold it firmly. Now.”

The shot is loud, the recoil surprising her, but the thrill of hitting the target is evident in her reaction.

I touch her shoulder in silent praise.

“It’s all about control, Emma. Over the gun, your body, your fears,” I say, hinting at the broader implications of today’s lesson. “Learn to control and you’ll never let anyone take advantage of you.”

“I could still shoot you,” she half-jokes, a playful challenge in her eyes. “Aren’t you worried?”

“You won’t,” I respond confidently, knowing her better than she realizes.

“How can you be so sure?” she probes, curiosity piqued.

“Because I know you,” I say simply, understanding her more than she might think. “I know how you feel about me. You’d never shoot me.”

“You’re an arrogant son of a bitch, aren’t you? If you’re so clever, what am I thinking now?”

I give her a smile as I take the gun from her. “You’re thinking about running. Thinking you could get over the wall and make a break for it. Feel free to try, but just know,” I add with a hint of challenge and promise, “if I catch you, I’m making you come again.”



Without thinking, I dash away, the mansion a distant, imposing silhouette against the setting sun.

Adrian’s laughter follows me, a sound that’s both warm and inviting, encouraging me to keep going even as I know he’ll catch me.

It’s a different chase to last time. I did want to get away last time. Not from him but from my own obsessive desire for him.

I’ve never felt so strongly about anyone, it’s a scary feeling. But not now he’s made me come. He was so gentle, so loving, it was wonderful. It told me everything I need to know about him.

He held me so gently until I recovered. Then told me we should take a walk in the grounds, get some air.

I never thought I’d be firing a gun and then running from him as he chases after me.

“You can run, but you can’t hide!” His voice, playful yet determined, carries on the wind, a reminder of my attempt to leave the house when we first arrived.

His footsteps are a steady sound behind me, a constant reminder that he’s there, always just a few paces away.

I glance back, catching a glimpse of him through the trees that dot the landscape. He’s closer than I anticipated. I push my legs to move faster, driven by a desire to test my limits, to see if I can truly outpace him.

I don’t want him to know how much I want him. How much I want him to make me come again.
