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I turn my attention away from the cameras and sit down behind my desk. The leather chair conforms to my body as I rifle through the stack of paperwork.

There is a knock at the door a few moments later. It swings open and Dimitri enters. He rubs as hand down his face, looking as exhausted as I feel.

“She is going to be a problem.” Dimitri takes a seat in one of the suede chairs on the other side of my desk. “She’s trained to withstand interrogations. An undercover agent is going to be impossible to crack.”

I read through a weekly update report and shrug. “She values her life. All people do. If she thinks that we’re going to take that away, she will break down.”

“I think you’re underestimating her, Nik. She’s nearly as stubborn as you are from the looks of things. I say we kill her now and find someone else.”

“And that is why the decision is not yours to make.” I sign off on the inventory. As I pull out paperwork regarding a cocaine shipment, Dimitri shifts in his seat.

He’s been my second in command for a while now. Even though I may not want to hear it, he usually knows what he’s talking about.

Not when it comes to the little vixen though.

I want to have fun with her. I want to torment her and see if she is going to break before, she bends.

I should commend her boss on how well he has managed to brainwash her into valuing the authorities over her own life.

Eventually, she will realize that cooperating with me is far more rewarding than putting up a fight.

That attitude of hers is a pain in the ass, but God damn, she’s striking. The way she looks at me makes me think she is torn between ripping my clothes off or ripping out my throat.

I like knowing that we are currently straddling the same line.

“Why do you think that we should kill her now?” I set the paperwork to the side and turned my full attention to him.

Dimitri runs his hand through his hair, tousling his blonde hair. “Something is unsettling about her. If there is one person in the world you have to worry about taking down the Bratva, I think it’s going to be her.”

“I think you’re wrong about that. You know I have my way with women.” I smirk.

I did my research about Hazel Hudson before we captured her. She’s nineteen years younger than me and she has something to prove. Working as an undercover agent as young as she is doesn’t happen often.

She thinks that taking down the Bratva is the way to prove her value to her superiors.

“Killing her right now is a mistake.” I lean back in my chair and stretch my legs out in front of me. “It would look bad so soon after Yuri was arrested. Especially since she was the one who found him and got him locked away. We would have the fucking FBI breathing down our necks.”

Dimitri looks around the room, his gaze fleeting as he looks at the cameras. “She’s a threat and she is skilled.”

“I know that and we’re going to take care of her, but we can’t yet. I need information from her. Any insight she can give us into the investigation is useful.”

Dimitri stares at one of the screens behind me. I spin around, checking for anything unusual going on in the factory.

Hazel is still in the corner of the room, tied up and glaring at the camera. Viktor is pacing outside the door and holding a tissue to his nose.

In other areas of the factory, my men are getting shipments of guns and drugs ready. They stop every now and then to speak to each other. Nothing suspicious that would capture Dimitri’s attention normally, yet he’s fixated on the screens.

“How did she even know that Yuri was in the country? I didn’t even know that he had returned.”

“A few people knew.” Dimitri gets up and goes to one of the feeds, pointing at one of the screens. “These men here were in the room when some of the others were discussing Yuri’s arrival in the States. I overheard it but by that time, he was already arrested.”

I massage my temples and exhale slowly.

Yuri’s fuck up has complicated my life.

“I think that there’s a mole in our ranks.” Dimitri sounds like the words are a lead weight tied to his foot and he’s seconds away from jumping off a boat. “We know that information is being leaked, but until now it hasn’t been relevant.”

It’s not the first time that Dimitri has brought up the concern of someone working with the police. When I find out who it is, they’re going to die.
