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Malyshka? Why the hell is he calling me that?

Is this an attempt to get me to relax? I’m anything but relaxed.

I glance around the room, looking at the massive picture hanging on the wall behind the desk. As I try to memorize every detail of the Russian painting, I take deep breaths.

If there is any chance of getting out of this, I need to keep my head. I need to remain as in control of myself as I can be.

When Tom eventually figures out that I’m missing, he’s going to call the cops. They’re going to start tracking my phone and trying to figure out where I am.

Don’t be stupid, Hazel. These are mafia men. They would have gotten rid of my phone as soon as they captured me.

Nik clears his throat as the door opens. Dimitri walks in with several men trailing behind him.

The men stare straight ahead as they enter the room. They keep their hands loose at their sides. The weapons on their hips may not be loaded, but their hands are still deadly.

The men stand there as the two in front of me join them. Dimitri stands to the side, watching us.

Nik’s large body angles closer to me. He pulls his arm away, rolling up his sleeves. His dark tattoos are a sharp contrast to his skin. Inky black landscapes coat him. Curls of smoke weave between them, connecting one image to the next.

Despite the situation I’m in, it’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him about the tattoos.

I try to memorize the faces of the men in front of me. My gaze lands on a familiar face. It’s a struggle to keep my expression neutral and continue to the next face.

What the hell is Joseph Anderson doing here?

Does Nik know that he’s a cop? Does he know that Joseph is the one who gave me the tip about Yuri being back in the country?

Joseph wears a stern expression and acts like a stranger. But I know those blue eyes too well. After all, we trained together before becoming agents.

He’s a careful man. He’s always gotten through his missions without a problem. Hell, he hasn’t even had so much as a close call.

Now, here he is, standing in a room with the other men.

Is he going to have to watch me die?

Nik hums as he crosses one leg over the other. “Now, Hazel, I want you to tell me who the undercover agent is.”

My chest constricts. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I thought we were going to start this working relationship by being honest with each other.” He clicks his tongue as he taps a finger against my thigh. “Tell me who it is.”

“I don’t know who any of these men are.” I sit a little taller, rolling my shoulders back. “I thought you wanted me to give you information about the investigation.”

Nik squeezes my thigh a little too hard to be friendly. “I do want information. This is a more pressing matter. Tell me, who is the mole?”

“I don’t recognize anyone. I’ve never seen any of these men before. If you have a mole in your organization, that’s your problem to sort.”

He sighs and leans closer to me. His mouth brushes against the shell of my ear. His breath on my skin sends a shudder through my body. “Here’s the thing, malyshka. I don’t believe you.”

My eyes widen as Dimitri pulls out a gun. Nik raises a hand and gives a slight wave. Dimitri smirks and flicks off the safety, his finger wrapping around the trigger.

The gunshot echoes through the room and a body hits the floor. Blood spills across the hardwood. The dark crimson nearly blends in with the floors.

This is beyond fucked up.

My entire body jolts as Dimitri points the gun at another person. The men in front of me stand still. Though some of the color drains from their faces, they don’t acknowledge the body on the ground.

“Stop moving,” Nik’s grip on my thigh tightens. “You have nobody to blame but yourself for what is happening right now.”
