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“What was that?”

“Yuri has been arrested.” Dimitri faces me, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepening.

My hands clench into fists. “When did he return from Russia?”

The tone I use is dark and deadly. The men in the room shift in their seats as my blood boils. I put too much time and effort into getting Yuri out of the country after he murdered that girl.

Now, he is going to throw it back in my face and has the audacity to get captured?

Everything I did to keep him safe was for nothing. Not if he was idiotic and cocky enough to think that he could return and not get caught.

Fucking fool. He’s put the Bratva at risk again.

When I get my hands on him, I’m going to make sure that he regrets ever coming back.

It’s a mistake that Yuri will not be making twice.

“I’m not sure why he came back.” Dimitri’s hands ball into fists. “I haven’t been able to talk to him. An informant called and said that they saw him at a bar with a woman. It looked like they were going somewhere together.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, wondering if forty-two is too young to consider stepping down from the Bratva. Though I would never, the thought crosses my mind in moments like these.

And only in those moments when I must clean up another man’s colossal mess.

“He killed a girl in cold blood. Abused her and sliced her throat for looking at him the wrong way.” I look around the room, making sure that all the men are paying attention. “He was punished accordingly and then he was sent to Russia. He was not supposed to return!”

Dimitri turns around and grabs a folder off the windowsill behind him. He puts it on the table and opens it up, Yuri’s mugshot staring back at me. “He’s in custody with the FBI now. We’d be better off to leave him there.”

“He knows too much.” The evidence is damning. While I make a point not to get caught for my crimes, Yuri is sloppy.

I should have killed him a long time ago and been done with it all.

The only reason he is still alive is because he is family.

But even family has its limits.

“We can bail him out.” Dimitri flips to another page in the file, jabbing a thick finger at the amount of Yuri’s bail. “It’s high, but it’s nothing that we have not paid before to keep our men out of prison.”

“You should let him rot for the trouble that he has put the Bratva in with his arrest.” One of the men leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. He looks around at the others like he is looking for a fight to pick.

“Enough.” I stand up and plant my hands on the table. I take the time to look at each man, watching him until he drops his gaze. “We will not be allowing him to rot. He knows too much. If the police offer him a deal, he could send us all to prison.”

Yuri has been at countless meetings. He’s handled business. He knows the names of all the Bratva bosses, and he could pick them out of a lineup.

Right now, Yuri is nothing but a threat to the Bratva that must be eliminated.

I focus on Dimitri as I sit back down. “You said that the informant saw him at the bar with a girl. How the fuck did that lead to an arrest?”

Dimitri grabs a laptop from one of the other men and scrolls through it. He stops on something and passes it to me. “I was able to get a copy of the footage from the bar he’s been.”

“What about the hotel? I assume that was where he was going to take her.”

Dimitri shakes his head as I take the laptop. “Nothing. Found out that he was staying at a hotel a few minutes away from the bar. Cheap place. No cameras.”

“Of course not. Why would there be a fucking camera that would be able to show me what the fuck we’re dealing with?”

A heavy weight settles on my shoulders as I hit play. Yuri relaxes at the corner of a bar, fixated on someone opposite from him. The feed switches to another camera that shows him getting up and walking over to a stunning woman with hair the color of melted milk chocolate falling in soft waves down her back.

When the camera focuses on her face, I exhale.
