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“Are you sure? Because lately, it seems as if you’re not telling me everything.”

“What do you mean?” I tuck my hands in my pockets and shift from one foot to the other. “You’re acting strange. Is there something I should know about before I go back to the bullpen?”

The doors to the station fly open. Two men in black suits walk into the station. They stride like they’re here on business, pulling out their badges and flashing them at Tom.

FBI agents.

“Hazel Hudson, you’re under arrest for aiding and abetting a known criminal and obstruction of justice.” The taller of the two agents steps forward and flashes me his badge.

Agent Ryker.

I pull my hands out of my pockets and cross my arms. “What the hell is this? On what basis am I being arrested?”

The other Agent—Agent Jones—steps forward, a smug smile on his face. “You know very well, Miss Hudson, so let’s not play dumb here.”

“It’s Agent Hudson.” I step closer to the men, determined not to let them see the worry racing through my mind.

Fuck, what do they have on me or is it about Nik? I haven’t said anything to anyone.

“Come with us.” Agent Jones leads the way down the hall to one of the interrogation rooms.

What do you know? My first day back and I’m already being dragged into cross-examination.

The agents enter the room first, waiting for me and Tom to step inside before slamming the door shut. We all take seats at the metal desk in the center of the room. The agents sit across from Tom and me, opening a black briefcase and pulling out a large envelope.

Agent Ryker taps his thick fingers against the desk. “So, you asked on what basis you were arrested. Miss Hudson, I believe you know what you are guilty of.”

“Are you telling me that being kidnapped is a crime?” I lean forward on the desk, bracing myself with my folded arms. “Because the last time I checked, being kidnapped made me the victim.”

Tom clears his throat beside me. I know that he is less than thrilled that I’m not giving the agents the respect he thinks they deserve. However, they were the ones to waltz in here and arrest me. They picked the battle by handling things out in the open and making me look like a criminal in front of my colleagues.

I may be guilty, but they don’t know that for sure. They have their suspicions, and this is their scare tactic.

They’re going to learn that they’re fucking with the wrong woman.

Confident Hazel is out to play.

“The entire situation is rather odd.” Agent Jones kicks his feet up on the desk, making himself comfortable. His dark eyebrows pull together as he hums to himself.

“Yes, it is.” Agent Ryker continues to drum those thick fingers in an erratic rhythm. “You were kidnapped, but you were at a gala. You were dressed in a cock tail dress and seen on Nikita Orlov’s arm for nearly the entirety of the night. Hell, some people said you were enjoying yourself.”

I shrug a shoulder, hoping that I look calmer than I feel. “Well, what can I say, I’m a good undercover agent.”

It feels like there is a beast inside my body, tearing me to shreds. My pulse pounds in my ears and my heart races.

“Undercover agent, my ass.” Agent Jones laughs, puts his feet back on the floor, and reaches for the envelope. He opens it and dumps several pictures onto the desk. “Seems like you played the part of a Bratva whore pretty well.”

The air is knocked from my lungs as I struggle to keep a neutral expression on my face. I glance at the pictures, trying to find a way to argue myself out of this situation.

The pictures are damning. They hold all the evidence they need to lock me away.

“Mr. Orlov left your house at approximately six-fifty-two in the morning several days ago. He was caught sneaking out while the sun still came up.” Agent Ryker grins as he flips to another picture. “And if I’m not mistaken, this is you smiling like a lovesick fool on your doorstep while he leaves.”

Fuck. Nik is fucked.

I’m fucked.

I lean back in the chair, not looking at the pictures. At the very least, I’m going to jail for a couple of years.
