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It is the guy who holds a gun to Hazel’s head. He is the one who will die by my hand.

“Malyshka, did they hurt you?” My voice is low and calm and the corners of my mouth hinge upwards as she rolls her eyes. “You still have that attitude, I see. I hope you gave those assholes plenty of it.”

“Sure did.” She gives me a teasing wink before slamming her elbow into the shorty.

The gun drops to the ground, but he doesn’t dive for it. No, instead he swings his fist at Hazel’s head.

Sergey lunges at the man, pulling him away from Hazel, as he wrestles him to the ground. Dimitri helps her to her feet and holds her steady while I hover over him.

“What the fuck did you just do to her?” I slam my boot into his side, his pained groan rising above the sound of my men getting back into their cars.

The agent spits at my feet. “You and your dirty little whore will never get out of here. I've alerted the local police. They’ll be here before you can escape, and then you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison. Where you belong. Both of you!”

“Here is the thing.” I crouch down beside him and glance over at Hazel before I glare at him.

Her lip is split and there’s a dark circle forming beneath her eye. A small cut slices along her cheekbone. Her eyes are glassy, and she desperately blinks away her tears as she inhales sharply.

My brave and feisty little girl.

“You hurt what belongs to me. You have chosen to take out your anger on what is mine. That’s just something that I can’t excuse. At first, I wanted to kill you, but now, I want to have some fun with you.”

Sergey grins wickedly at me as he hauls the agent to his feet. “We’ll take him back to the factory for you, boss.”

“See that you do. I want this mess cleaned up before the police arrive. Make it look like an accident.” I tap the muzzle of my gun against the agent’s chin as I stand. “And you? I’ll see you later. By the time I am done with you, you’ll wish that you had killed yourself instead of hitting her.”

I take the keys for the handcuffs from his pocket and go over to Hazel. My men immediately get moving and load the agent into a car while the others remove all the evidence.

Hazel’s hands tremble as she lifts them. The chain connecting the handcuffs rattles as I open one lock and then the other. As soon as her hands are free, she throws her arms around me and sobs.

“Come on, malyshka. We need to get out of here.”

I pick her up and hold her close to me as I run back to my car. The sirens wail in the distance, but they get louder by the second. She holds on to me as I put her in the passenger seat and buckle her in. The tears stop, but she still looks like she's barely holding it together.

Hazel is silent for the first few minutes of the drive. Her gaze drops to her lap, she interlaces her fingers and then unclasps them again. She plucks at a loose thread at the bottom of her shirt before finally turning to me.

“What's wrong?” I reach for her hand and stroke the back with my thumb. “We’ve never held back anything from each other. Don’t start now.”

“Why did you save me?” She twists in her seat, her gaze burning a hole into the side of my head. “How did you know where I was? How did you find me?”

“Didn't you miss me?” I tease her but then say a little more seriously. “Do you really think I would let my little girl go to prison for me??”

I press my lips together, interlace our fingers, and squeeze her hand a little tighter. I clear my throat and continue. “You belong to me, Hazel. And I love having you close to me, always.”

When I glance at her, tears run down her cheeks, but she has a cheeky smile on her face. She sniffles, “You mean you love me?” Disbelief colors her voice.

I tilt my head, furrow my brows, and murmur. “Do you have something to tell me?”

She giggles and leans over, “Nik, I love you.”

I smile at her. “And I love you, Hazel.”

Surprise flashes across her face.

“What happens now?” She sighs and moves closer to me. “The police will be looking for me. They know you helped me escape, even if they can’t prove it.”

As we drive down an old gravel road, a small plane comes into view. Her body stiffens, and her mouth drops open. She remains silent as I park the car.

“I will protect you.” I tuck a strand of her silky hair behind her ear. A lump threatens to choke me as I look at her. God, I could drown myself in her watery eyes.
