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Machinery lines the factory floor. Parts lay on assembly lines, waiting to be finished and packed away. Several of my men are in the far corner, discussing a shipment of guns that we are due to send out soon.

The door to the basement is at the back of the factory, hidden beneath a panel door with a fingerprint scanner. A blue light slides from one side of the scanner to the other as I hold my thumb against it.

The door beeps before it clicks open. Bright white light greets me as I step inside. The metal staircase rings out with every step as I descend into the hidden basement.

Rock music plays softly in the background as I stride across the main room. There are several other rooms in the basement. Some are used for holding people and others are used for storage.

I open the door on the far right. Plastic covers the walls and there is a drain in the middle of the room. It’s the kind of room that is best used for disposing of threats to the Bratva.

Hazel Hudson is slumped in a corner. Her bright red jacket contrasts sharply with the white room.

How fitting.

Wearing the color of blood for her sentencing.

Her breathing is soft and slow, the curve of her breasts rising and falling with every inhale and exhale. Dark eyelashes dust her high cheekbones.

It’s a damn shame that I’m going to have to fuck up that pretty face of hers.

Dimitri leans against the counter on the opposite side of the room with Viktor. The stainless-steel sink behind them gleams beneath the blinding lights. A row of knives rests beside them.

“Wake her up.” I cross my arms and stand a few feet away from Hazel.

Viktor grabs a small metal bowl and fills it with cold water before crossing the room and standing behind her.

He turns the bowl upside down, sending the water cascading over her. She immediately jumps awake, reaching behind her for the gun she thinks is in her waistband.

Her hazel eyes glare at me, glistening like a forest in the morning dew. Especially when the light shines on them, making them look more green-toned than brown. So fucking mesmerizing, it’s knocking the air from my lungs. She’s even more stunning with that feisty look and her wet hair sticking to her angelic face.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

“Morning.” I crouch down in front of her with a grin, keeping a little distance.

I might not have tied her up yet, but if I were her, I wouldn’t tempt me. Her mouth presses into a thin line. Those small hands ball into fists at her side but she’s smart enough not to try anything. Not when she’s outnumbered. Viktor steps away from her, joining Dimitri at the back of the room.

“It’s polite to respond to people when they talk to you.” I lean a little closer to her, grinning as my gaze drags up and down her body. “You look more like a seductress than a cop.”

“Fuck you.” Her voice is sweet like honey, but her words are pure venom.

Chuckling, I reach out to take her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “Why would I want to fuck the woman who wants to send me to prison? I’d much rather destroy you in other ways.”

She arches a thin eyebrow. “Is that supposed to scare me, Nikita?”

The way her eyes shoot at me in defiance is so hot, I just want to kiss her until she surrenders to me. I let go of her chin, grinding my teeth together as I stand. “You should be.”

Hazel raises one slim shoulder and drops it. The corner of her mouth tugs upward, amusement shining bright.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’re going to lose the fucking smile now.” I wrap my hand around her bicep and pull her to her feet.

She tilts her head back to look up at me, “I’ve always been a glutton for punishment. We both know that you can’t kill me so soon after Yuri got arrested. That would be too obvious. So, what do you think that you’re going to do to me to get Yuri out of prison?”

I squeeze her arm and the smile falls. “You think that this is about Yuri? It’s a wonder you have a job with such shitty deduction skills.”

She takes a step back, her focus turning to the door behind me. I hold out my free hand and Dimitri drops a length of rope into it. I take Hazel’s hands and bind them.

If she’s already running her mouth, I can’t risk the little vixen having her hands free.

She winces as the ropes dig into her soft skin. Red rings already line her wrists, so I loosen the binds a little. While I want her restrained, I don’t want her uncooperative or hurt her.
