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“When I got home, Ava was asleep. Emery looked…well she looked hot as hell and we ended up sleeping together.”


“Ava caught us in bed this morning.”

“No way!”

“And then announced at daycare that Emery didn’t stay for breakfast.”

He dies laughing.

I take a deep breath and wait for his laughter to stop.

Finally, it does and he asks, “So now what?”

I clench my teeth. “I like her.” I shrug. “I mean, I liked her the night I met her and I still like her. Plus, I’m attracted to her and the sex…” I roll my eyes. “Fucking amazing.”

He grins and nods with more excitement now.

“We talked this morning, talked about taking things slow and not putting too much pressure on ourselves but now I’m worried. Ava already sees her all day long at daycare. If Emery and I start seeing one another, she’ll have to be around Ava too. I’m just worried that Ava will get attached, and she’ll end up hurt if things don’t work out.”

He sips his coffee and then sets the cup on my desk. He crosses his ankle over his knee. “I know what you mean man, but the thing is that you deserve to be happy. If this woman makes you happy…”

“Ava’s happiness means more to me than my own. I don’t want her to get hurt.”

“Ava deserves a mom. Who knows, maybe Emery is perfect for both of you.”

I shake my head. “I couldn’t imagine being my age, single with no kids, and dating someone with a kid. Kids are hard when they’re your own, but when they’re not, there’s no reason to put up with them.”

He snorts. “That’s just your perspective. She doesn’t think that way.”

“How do you know?”

He shrugs. “She works with kids. You have to either really love kids or be insane to do that.”

I chuckle, my head falling forward as I look at my hands resting in my lap.

“You like this woman?”

I look up. “I really do.”

“Then give the relationship a chance. Ava will understand. Kids are strong, man. She’ll surprise you.” He grabs his coffee, stands, and walks away and leaving me alone with a lot to think about.

* * *

“Come on, Ava. Let’s go inside and get some dinner.” I stand up from the swing in the backyard.

“Dad! My ball went over the fence.”

Sighing, I move over to the gate and open it. Ava and I walk toward the front yard, her red ball several feet away.

“How hard did you throw it, Ava?” I ask, surprised at how far it had gone.

She giggles as she runs over to it, bending down and picking it up. She stands up right, looking toward Emery’s. She smiles and waves.

I come to a stop next to her, looking up to see Emery walking to the mailbox on the street.
