Page 30 of Affliction

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“What’s the one question you want answered? What can I tell you that will stop this? You and I both know that I’m going to be working with you for a little while. I don’t want any more uncomfortable moments in the meeting rooms. I don’t want to put you in that position anymore. I saw the hurt in your eyes at Julia’s words.”

I swallowed. “No, you know how I felt when you said you didn’t want to know about Bryce. Well, I never wanted to know about Julia. Just do me a favor, please.” I was pleading now. I probably sounded desperate, but I didn’t care.

“What, Mia? What?”

“Please don’t sleep with any of my staff.”

Terry laughed. “You got it, ma’am. I will be professional, and I will behave.”

“Thank you,” I said.

Terry laughed loudly into the phone, and the sound warmed my heart. It made me do something—something I normally wouldn’t have. I knew I would regret it, but I said it anyway. “Do you want to come out with us tomorrow night?”

“Who is us?” Terry asked cautiously.

“Bryce, Ally, and me.”

“Ah,” was all he said in return.

“It could be fun. Give us a chance to have some fun together instead of having intense screaming matches and tense conversations on the phone.”

“Yeah. Sure. Fun.” I could almost picture him pinching the bridge of his nose or shaking his head. I wasn’t sure which, but I knew he was doing something to calm himself from the white-hot rage bubbling up at the mention of spending a night with Bryce and me. “Let me ask you something.”

“Anything,” I whispered into the line. My voice came out a little sexier than I meant it to.

“Can I bring Julia?”

“Terrance!” I screamed into the phone. He seriously wanted to bring a date? I couldn’t believe it. Granted, me having Bryce there was like bringing a date, but still. It stung.

“Relax. I was only teasing. Good to know where you are, though.”

I laughed. “Sure you were.”

“I was,” he said, laughing at me yet again.

“Okay, so tomorrow night?”

“Yeah, tomorrow night,” he confirmed.

“Good.” I smiled into the phone, hoping this was a good idea.

“Great,” he said back to me. I could tell the enthusiasm was forced.

“I gotta go, Terry. I gotta get some sleep.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Good night, Terry.”

“Night, beautiful,” Terry replied before clicking off.

I sighed, throwing my head back into the chair. Hopefully I didn’t just make the biggest mistake of my life by inviting him out with us. “We shall see,” I said aloud to my empty apartment.
