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“Keaton,” Roxy murmurs, coming to a stop at the far side of the beach. “It’s okay to grieve what you didn’t have with your father. What you’ll never have. You don’t have to miss him, but that doesn’t mean it’s not eating you up inside.”

I step away from Roxy and run a hand through my short hair, rubbing the back of my neck. I let her words sink in as I stare out across the ocean. The vastness of the sea, the fierce beauty and power behind each wave, calms me, lulling me into a quiet, safe space.

Roxy gently rests her hand on my back, and I can tell she doesn’t want to crowd my space. It’s thoughtful of her, but I want my woman right here with me. I open my arm, and she clings to my side, wrapping her arms around my torso and resting her head against my chest.

“I didn’t know what I was grieving until you said that,” I tell her, my voice quiet so as not to break the serenity we’ve found in our special hideaway. “You’re right. The man himself was a monster, but my desire for a father who loved me never left.”

“I’m so sorry you went through all that,” Roxy soothes. “But we found each other. It may have been a painful journey, but we’re here now, right?”

I nod, adjusting our position so we’re face to face. I cup the back of her neck and tug her hair so she’s looking up at me. My lips meet hers, and I’m surer of it now than ever; I’m completely fucked.

Roxy gasps, which allows me to slip my tongue between her pouty lips and taste her again. She's just as sweet as I remember. I feel her soft hands crawl up my chest, tickling my skin and making me growl into her mouth.

My hands slide down her sides, tracing over the swell of her breasts, the dip in her waist, and the curve of her deliciously wide hips. I grip her there, my fingers digging into her flesh. I almost release my hold on her, not wanting to cause Roxy any pain, but she moans and claws at my chest, letting me know she likes it rough.

Christ, that thought makes my dick ache. I pull her closer to me, needing to feel every inch of her body against mine as I stroke my tongue against hers and swallow down her soft whimpers.

I finally break the kiss, tilting my head up and inhaling sharply. Fucking hell, this woman is addicting. I’ll never get enough of her.

Roxy's arms loop around my neck and pull me back down, her lips meeting mine halfway. She owns this kiss. She pulls away, but I follow her, nipping at her bottom lip until she lets me in again.

“Everything aches,” she says, her tone somewhere between a moan and a whimper. “I ache for you.”

“Fuck,” I growl against the sensitive skin of her neck. I breathe in her sea salt and lavender scent, trying to calm the hell down before I maul this precious woman. She deserves better than that for her first time. “Gotta get you inside before we’re arrested for indecent exposure,” I rasp.

Roxy giggles, making me smile despite the lust raging through my veins.

“Whatever you say,” she sasses, letting me take her hand and practically drag her back to my truck.

“That would be a first,” I mumble, grinning when I hear Roxy’s boisterous laugh.

Ten minutes later, we’re back in our motel room. I wish I had thought of renting a better room for the night, like a suite at a fancy hotel with room service and shit.

“This is perfect,” Roxy whispers from behind me. I don’t know how this woman knows what I’m thinking, but I’ve stopped asking questions like that. The universe somehow brought me the perfect partner, and I’m not about to waste another second without claiming her.

I turn around, looking into Roxy’s ocean-blue eyes, so full of trust. There’s an ember glowing beneath the surface, and I know she’s as ravenous for me as I am for her.

She gets up on her toes and kisses me, setting my whole world on fire with fresh need for her. My hands find their way under the hem of her dress, gliding up her bare skin. I grip her thick thighs and lift her. Roxy wraps her legs around me, never breaking the kiss. I feel her pussy, hot with need, against my stomach.

“You deserve better,” I whisper. “I promise to spoil you once we get out of this situation.”

Roxy blushes and nods, though I can tell she’s far too in the moment to think about the abstract future. That’s just fine with me. I can worry about all of that for us while my woman gets lost in her pleasure.

“Are you ready, beautiful?”

“Yes, please,” she pants.

I walk us toward the bed, and her head dips to my neck, licking me and nipping at my skin. Fucking hell, this woman is every dream come true, and I can’t believe I get to be her first. Her last, too, if I have anything to say about it.

When we get to the bed, I reluctantly set Roxy down. I find I always want her in my arms, but I realize we have to strip down at some point. I want to see all of her, to feel the heat of her skin pressed against mine.

I’m in a hurry to get my clothes off, now in nothing but my boxer briefs. I notice that Roxy hasn’t moved since I set her down.

“Are you okay?” I ask to ensure we’re both on the same page.

“Yeah, I just... look at you,” she says breathlessly, her eyes roaming over my chest and abs, then lower to my obscene, barely contained erection.

I love that my girl likes what she sees, but I realize she’s self-conscious now that I’m nearly naked. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Roxy. That first day you walked into the conference room, I felt like all the air was drained from my lungs. You were that stunning. You always are.”
