Page 134 of Twisted Hunger

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Does he think I'll say no? I may want to be strong, but I would be crazy not to accept the protection that Bain is offering. I gaze at my stepfather, and suddenly, he's no longer my stepfather but a good-looking man who fears losing me again. Whether it's because he doesn't want it on his conscience or because he genuinely cares for me, it doesn't matter. He wants me to accept this from him, but is he willing to take what I'm freely offering him in return for his protection? There is only one way to find out. Grabbing Bain's face, I stare into his dark eyes before crushing my lips against his.



I remember it as if it was yesterday. The day I came home to find my wife missing was the day my world collapsed. Ryan was gone, and I had no idea where she was at. After being gone for almost a week with my battalion, cleaning up after devastation in southern Cali, coming home and finding the love of my life missing was the worst feeling ever. I broke down and called my father. I begged him to tell me where Ryan was; he had to know…right? He didn't, but he did tell me he would help look for her.

When I called the local police to file a missing person's report, they asked me to come in and fill one out. I had no sooner stepped inside the police station than handcuffs were slapped over my wrists, and I was taken into custody for the murder of Brock Davis, that piece of shit who Ryan had once called a friend. I posted bail within hours, thanks to my dad, but less than a week later, I was arrested once again and escorted back to the police station.

News channels covered the story, and needless to say, I ended up getting kicked out of the Marine Corp., an involuntary administrative discharge, but I was okay with that because then I could concentrate on finding my wife. However, shortly after being arrested and booked, I was shown into a room where a television was set up. I didn't think much of it, but then it turned on, and the sight before me had my stomach dropping.

Hearing my wife tell those three assholes that she was with them willingly gutted me, but I knew better. That wasn't my Ryan. I soon found out why she was doing it. She was sacrificing herself forme! I couldn't let her do it. I begged her not to and told her I loved her, but I couldn't stop the words from leaving her mouth.

She was told to tell me goodbye, and she did. Her voice echoes through my head every day with her words and the little message at the end,"Goodbye, Beau. I belong to them now. I will always love you, Beau! Only ever yours…"

Only ever yours…

She always told me this, and I knew I would never give up on her…ever! Once the screen went black, I made it my mission to get the hell out of there and to find out the truth as to who these motherfuckers were. I was going to get Ryan back, one way or another…that was my vow.

A week later, I was walking out of jail after being found not guilty. I was never much of the praying type, but boy, I prayed the whole time I was locked up, and they were answered. Now, if only the rest of my prayers could be answered.

Since being booted out of the Corp., I packed up mine and Ryan's apartment, loaded everything in a U-Haul with a trailer to pull my wife's car back, and headed back East to Huntley Manor. It was the last place I wanted to go, but I needed answers. However, I dropped off our belongings at Ryan's old house. It had been locked up tight since Dad married Lacey and made Ryan move to the Manor, but it's ours now.

I had figured we would move into the house and put our life back together once I got my wife back. First and foremost, I wanted our marriage certificate, so I called California to put in a change of address for it, only to find they had no known file pending for Mr. and Mrs. Beau Huntley. According to the clerk at the courthouse, the Judge who married us was in a terrible accident and is now deceased. His secretary? She swears up and down that she was never present for our ceremony. None of it added up.

Learning that Ryan and I weren't married was just the beginning of my downward spiral. Going to my father wasn't much help, except for getting the names of the three fuckers who now had my girl. He told me of how his uncle, and my great uncle, pissed them off, and now the D'Angelo brothers had damned all the Huntley heirs because of it. He wouldn't go into it more with me, telling me that none of that mattered and that he would find a way to get Ryan back.

After talking with Lacey and informing her that her daughter and I were, in fact, not married, I left my childhood home and didn't look back. I stayed at Ryan's childhood home, now ours, for a few weeks, but after only a week of being there, the video messages started coming to my phone. I wasn't sure who was who then, but later on, I learned that Dante was the first to send me a video of him taking my girl.

He made a show of it, smirking at the camera every time he ordered Ryan to do something, and she did."That's my good little whore," he'd say while staring into the camera. It went on like this for weeks, and I watched every single video from start to end, even watching Sergio treat her like a fucking dog and fucking her like she's a bitch in heat.

The worst was when Luca, the youngest brother, took her. He hurt her over and over, mainly because he liked taking her ass, but she moaned as if she liked it. I could tell by the dead look in her eyes it was all for his sake. Every time I'd get a message with a video, I'd drown out my sorrows with liquor and then call my father to curse him out.

When he started calling me constantly and leaving texts, I'd change my number, but the D'Angelos and my father always found my new one. I was a glutton for punishment, though. I needed to seeher.I needed to ensure she was still okay, so I continued to watch the videos, hoping to see just a glimpse of her face.

It wasn't until she started to enjoy them using her that I stopped watching them all the way through. I couldn't stand to see them make her come or when she begged them and willingly got down on her knees for them. Yes, they would even send me security footage to see that they were no longer making her take them.

Even after all that, I still refused to believe that this was the life she wanted. I knew her better than anybody else. That woman in the video was a stranger to me, but I won't say it was a bad thing.Only ever yours…`it's what I kept on repeat. Ryan wasn't changing on me; she was protecting her true self, the parts that strictly belonged to me.

I stopped drinking altogether and stopped watching any videos they sent me not long after they started making her participate in the sale of humans. It was time that I be the man Ryan needed me to be because if I knew my girl, she would devise her own plan. She was biding her time for something. I have my own guesses as to what she may be up to, but I can't be sure.

I'm no good to her until I can get to the bottom of this vendetta. My girl is strong; I believe in her, and I had planned with all this in mind. No more changing my phone number. Burner phones would be what I use from here on out. No more distractions, no more shit that is meant to break me.

Going to the bank and pulling out all my savings, which was quite a bit, I went off-grid. During my planning, I came across some information that was very useful to me. So, after packing a single bag, I left behind everything. I vowed to come back, but not until Ryan was back home and safe from the D'Angelo fuckers. I needed this to end, and it would only be over once every rock had been turned and every secret had been discovered.

When I go back to Ryan, it's to be with her without guilt, secrets, or anybody threatening to come between us. Only then will we be able to move forward and truly be the couple I know we were always meant to be. These are my thoughts anyway; whether it all plays out that way is a different story, but I know I must try.

When I drive up a long ass drive and circle my car around to the front of the modest-looking farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, creepy vibes fill me. The house looks out of place in the middle of nowhere, especially when the outside is overgrown and dying grass covers the entire area. It reminds me of someone trying to hide but can't quite shake their luxurious lifestyle. The grounds tell me they don't get visitors and don't care what it looks like.

I peel my eyes away from the house to flip my visor down and stare at the beautiful woman in the picture I always keep tucked away. Tracing her alluring lips with my finger, I repeat my promises to Ryan. She may not hear them, but it soothes my aching heart, nonetheless.

There is a hunger inside me, one that can only be satiated by learning every secret preventing Ryan and I from being together. It is there, in that creepy ass house; I know it. I want the truth that will curb that hunger, no matter how twisted it may be.

Grabbing my bag from the back seat, I climb the steps to the front porch. For a house that looks well cared for, the steps creak loudly. There is no way they would have missed my presence at their front door. Seeing the large, brass Lion head knocker, I lift it and knock three times with it. I don't have to wait too long before the door is opened, and I am standing here staring into a familiar set of brown eyes.

They scrutinize me, but I'm not bothered by it. In fact, I ignore their ignorant behavior and disrupt their perusal of me when I speak up and say, "Hello, Uncle Liam, long time no see..."

To Be Continued…
