Page 38 of Twisted Hunger

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"I want to take you away when school gets out. Will you let me take you somewhere?" he asks.

"Where do you have in mind?" I ask, lifting my brow.

He shrugs. "I don't know yet, but away…from all this." He glances around my room, but it's not what he means bythis.

"I'll have to talk to my mom because we have a thing in the middle of June," I say, and his mouth kicks up into a grin.

"I will only steal you for a week. I've also got obligations around that time. Oh, that reminds me. Will you be my plus one at my father's wedding?"

I grin. "I've never been a plus one before. I'd be happy to go with you if you go with me to mine. Besides, I would love to meet a Daddy Dom in real life…"

Beau groans and lets me go. "I should have never told you that." He sits on the edge of my bed and lays back, covering his face.

With a mischievous smile, I drop to my knees and take his now flaccid cock into my mouth. It doesn't stay soft long as he groans and jerks in my hand and mouth. "Don't think you can apologize with a simple blow job." He peeks at me with one eye before dropping his head back to the bed.

I hollow my cheeks and start working him as I massage his balls and taint simultaneously. I love the sounds that I cause when I do this to him. His hand goes to the back of my head, but as always, he doesn't take control.

Buzzing comes from the pocket of his jeans, indicating he has a text, but after another few minutes, his phone suddenly starts ringing. I take him deep just as I hear him say, "Hey, Dad."

I try to pull off of him, but his hand tightens, keeping me in place. My eyes wander to his, and the little shit is smirking. He thrusts, telling me to keep going. I decide that if he wants to play this little game, then I'll play.

As Beau continues a work conversation with his father, I pick up speed. He struggles to get words out, so he tries pulling out of my mouth, but I won't let him. Using my finger, I play with his taint again, the spot right between his balls and ass hole.

"Hold on a sec, Dad…" Beau puts his phone on mute and tosses it to the side. Giving me a wicked grin, he entangles his fingers into my hair, gripping it harshly. Holding my head, so I can’t move, his jaw clenches as he thrusts deep into my throat and releases everything he’s been holding back. "Fuck, Ryan," he says in a gravelly voice, "You better fucking swallow it all."

I hum in amusement, knowing I did this to him.

"You are truly evil, woman…" he scoffs, then grins.

As soon as he's done, I pop myself off him and wipe the corners of my mouth as I stand. "TellDaddy I said hi."

Leaving him to chat with his father, I saunter over to my bathroom but stop when I get to the door and look over my shoulder. Beau's eyes are glued to my bare ass until he realizes I've stopped. Our eyes meet, and I can feel something deep within pull at not just my core, but also my heart. Smiling, I wink at him and slowly close the door.


"It seems we have to cancel our dinner plans, honey," Mom states the moment she walks in the door after her shift at the hospital.

"Oh? Why, what happened?"

I'm really not in the mood to go to dinner and meet my soon-to-be stepbrother anyway. I'm still floating from my time spent with Beau this afternoon.

"Bain's been called away to a business meeting and has to fly out, but he wants to reschedule for when he gets back." Mom drops down on the couch beside me and turns her head.

"Pizza and Netflix?" I raise my brow.

"That sounds perfect!" Mom grins. "You call in the order, and I'll go shower and get comfy." She sniffs around. "Is that a new scent in the warmer? I like it."

I chuckle as she disappears upstairs. I changed the scent in the warmer when Beau left because I knew Mom would notice it. I didn't want her smelling the sex in the air when she got home. When you're used to smelling the same scent daily, you tend to pick up other smells, so I changed the usual scent.

After calling in our pizza order, I go up to my room and also change into comfy clothes. I had already dressed in a nice spring dress for dinner, not something I would typically wear, but I wanted to make a good impression for Mom's sake. I hope Bain's son is as nice as Bain is and that we will get along nicely, because I think we both deserve to have a happy family, even if it's a secondary one.

Now that I'm more clear-headed these days, I don't find it upsetting that Mom is getting married again. I wonder why drugs affect people the way they do. They made me despise the fact of her being with another man. I understand that our subconscious begins the process, and the drugs only add to it, but why? I took the pills to numb the pain of grief, and instead, it only caused me more pain deep within.

My thoughts turn to Beau. Take away the fact that he was a douche for three years; in hindsight, he waited for me. I wasn't ready for what Beau had to offer me, and maybe it all happened just the way it was meant to. We don't know, but he came in at the perfect time. I was spiraling, and he came in and did what needed to be done, what nobody else would have done for me. He forced me to get clean.

Sure, I still have bouts of cravings. I think it will be a long while before they go away completely, and even then, they may pop up on really bad days. For now, I will take what I have and go with it. The time I've spent with Beau will never be forgotten, and I can only hope there will be so many more moments with him in the future.

It's been the perfect date with Beau. As always, he's been very attentive to me and is proud to show me off as his. I've finally agreed to make it official with him for the most part, but I don't want it going up on social media just yet. I feel like if we go social media public, we will no longer be in our own little bubble anymore. Waiting until after Beau graduates seems like a good time for that step.

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