Page 49 of Twisted Hunger

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"Wait, you weren't planning on going to college?" I can hardly believe that.

"Well, before you and I got together, I was actually going to leave you alone and enlist in the Marines." He chuckles at my slight gasp.

"You were?"

"Uh-huh. I figured I would give you a few years to yourself while I went away, and maybe I would be good enough for you by the time I returned."

There's a bit of sadness in his voice, and I lean up on my elbow to look at him. "Had I not been a total bitch to you on that first day, then you wouldn't have ended up bullying me, and maybe, we would have found the real us sooner," I tell him.

His green eyes burn into mine as he studies me. "You really don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?" I furrow my brows.

"That same year, a month after the incident in the hall, I left a note in your locker asking you to Homecoming. I stood about ten feet from you, watching you open and read it. I was ready to get down on a knee with the bouquet of flowers I had in my hand, but then I watched as you laughed first, then sneered and rolled your eyes before ripping up my note and throwing it in the garbage can by your locker."

I think I stop breathing momentarily as I stare wide-eyed at Beau.No, this can't be true, can it? Gazing into his eyes, I can tell that what he's telling meis the truth, and I groan, dropping my head down to his chest.

"Oh, my God, Beau…there are no words I can say right now to tell you just how sorry I am. No wonder you bullied me. I was a fucking bitch for no damn reason at all."

"No, you had a reason, but I didn't know why." He kisses my head. "Still, I shouldn't have bullied you regardless."

"Why?" I lift my head and stare at him.

"Why what?"

"Why did you stay interested in me after I treated you like that?" I question him, only because I'm beginning to think he's not right in the head. Who keeps liking someone who is obviously a bitch to them repeatedly?

"There is just something about you, Ryan. You were in my head twenty-four-seven. Nothing I did would ever get rid of you." Hooking some hair behind my ear, he smiles. "I figured that if you weren't seeing me, then I'd make it impossible for you tonot see me. I never once thought of it as bullying. I was so stupid."

"Hey! Don't call yourself that! Your actions may have been, but not you." I move closer until my lips brush against his in a feathery kiss. "Thank you, Beau."

His mouth kicks up on one side. "What are you thanking me for? Bullying you?"

"No, dork! For caring enough to help me get clean. I don't deserve you, Beau." A single tear slips down my cheek, and he swipes it away with his thumb.

"Hey, no crying, baby," Beau says softly. "You deserve so much more than me."

"Stop being so nice," I chuckle dryly.

"I'm not being nice, just honest, Ryan." He turns us so he's above me and dips his head to take my lips in a heated kiss. There are no more spoken words as Beau makes love to me under the night sky.

"Come on, it's our last day here! Let's go to the boardwalk one last time, please?" I bat my lashes at Beau.

"You are so adorable when you beg. Do you know that?" He grins, showing off his dimples.

"And you're an ass if you keep making me beg! I'll leave your ass here and go by myself. Maybe I'll find a new man that won't be so mean!" I threaten playfully.

Beau sweeps me up and carries me bridal style, grabbing the car keys on the way to the door. "There will be no picking up new guys on my watch!"

"Well, I guess you had better stop being so mean to me then." I giggle when he brings me in to nibble on my neck.

"God, I fucking love you, Ryan…"

I brush some of his bangs from his forehead. "Your hair is getting long. Maybe we should stop somewhere and get it cut."

The unsure look he gives me is comical. "I can wait until we get home.Nobody touches my hair but my barber."

I stick my bottom lip out. "Not even me? I can trim it for you."
