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He did this for me.

It was a strange, surreal feeling, knowing that the Alpha King of Steelshire had taken an entire day away from his duties to prepare this surprise for me. Knowing how badly Nyx wanted to take care of me on his own, to have me tucked away and tending only to the needs of our baby… well, I was speechless.

“You haven’t said a word,” he commented worriedly as we walked back from the theater. “I was hoping this would be a good compromise for us both. Is this not what you want?”

I cast him a sidelong look and reached for his hand, unable to formulate the right words to say at that moment. Ease settled through his arm as I took his palm, his strong hold pulling me closer. “Does that mean you’re happy with the solution?”

“Can I dance, too?” I asked. I really just asked to see what he would say. I was almost fourteen weeks along, and although I wasn’t noticeably pregnant, I might be uncomfortable on stage.

He stopped in the middle of the hallway, and I felt my stomach drop. I didn’t need to be told when I was pushing my luck. Females should know their place, after all, especially thosein the care of a king. It was hard enough for any female fae in this world, a fact I’d learned very early on in life.

And now I was challenging a king.

His eyes bored into me as he pulled me into the shadows, where he lowered his voice to ensure no overly nosy servant would listen in.

“I have never told you not to dance, Maren,” he told me flatly. “I think I fell in love with you the first minute I saw you on stage. The issue was never about you dancing. The issue has always been about your safety. I would never take you away from what you love. I’m not a tyrant.”

Hurt tinged his statement, and shame washed over me.

“No… I never believed you were,” I breathed, raising my hand to cup his face. His gentle stubble tickled my hand as he brushed his cheek against me. “But you must not like that I was up there, half-naked in front of all those faeries.”

He blinked once, pursing his lips. “I have no doubts about you, Maren,” he rasped, placing his hands at my waist and pulling me toward him. “I am proud of who you are and all of your talents. You are beautiful, yes, but you are so much more than that.”

I cocked my head back and looked at him. “I am?” I asked, sincerely perplexed by what he saw in me.

Shocked, he took my hand from his face and raised it to his lips. “Maybe no one has ever taken the time to tell you about your big heart and brain, but I see them. I can see past the perfect figure and gorgeous face. I hope our baby is just like you.”

I flushed with pleasure at the compliment and lowered my eyes, but before I could think of anything to say, footsteps down the hall distracted me.

“Come on,” he urged with a growl. “I suddenly have the desire to see that perfect body in the flesh.”

Tittering, I allowed him to lead me toward the stairs and to our suites, but we barely got to the landing before Nyx pulled me against him, his lips crushing to mine, right there in front of the guards.

“Nyx…” I giggled, but he didn’t care. In a single motion, he swept me up in his arms and kicked open the door to our bedroom, his mouth never leaving mine.

Shivers of pleasure rushed down my body as I heard the door snap closed behind us, his fluid, even movements arousing me more.

My arms tightened around his neck, and I eagerly kissed him harder, all of my past reservations melting away as they did in Nyx’s arms. His kisses grew more intense, moving along my face with the passion I’d grown to recognize, to understand inherently. Nyx was a part of me now, in my bones, under my flesh somehow. It was why I’d always felt so lost without him when he was gone.

Effortlessly, he glided across the room with me in his arms still, placing me gently onto the bed. The king’s kisses rained over my cheeks and down my neck, his hands working to strip away my tracksuit in easy motions, as if the garment was made of wet paper.

I hadn’t bothered with a bra, and it worked to our advantage now. Nyx’s tongue found my fully erect nipples and traced sweet, gentle lines around one as he wriggled me out of my pants fully.

His lips collected the taut skin into his mouth, and I moaned aloud as he began to suck on it, shivers exploding up and down my spine, his hard form pressed against me. I could feel every part of him through his clothes, but I wanted him as naked as me. My hands worked to undress him, to feel his flesh against mine, too.

My fingers found the button of his pants, his cock ready for me as always. A gush of warmth spurted through me at the realization, although I wasn’t really surprised.

His head rose, and he looked at me.

“You know you belong to me,” he said.

“I know,” I whispered. “And you belong to me.”

His response was a crushing kiss, sending another rush of heat to the center of my body. His hands found the cleft of my opening like he was magnetically drawn to my center, but I needed him inside me.

I backed my head away, only to stare at him, begging. “Take me.”

Once more, his mouth crushed to mine, his free hand pulling his pants and underwear down to free his cock against me. I gasped at the hardness, never quite used to the enormity of him.
