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His hard body rose up to straddle me, one hand curling around the base of my hair, dipping my neck back to expose the flesh of my skin. Instantly, I felt my nipples grow hard while he worked his way over the bodice of my dress, nuzzling his nose against me. I pushed myself upward, determined to feel everypart of him, his tongue tickling the curve of my throat, soft sighs falling out of my mouth as he licked and teased and played.

His hands tugged along the short sleeves of my dress, skillfully disrobing me until his right hand cupped my ass, his left found my exposed breast. Then, without warning, I was on top of him, shocking him with the suddenness of my movement. Laughing, he gasped lightly but didn’t fight as I found myself in the very same position he had been in just seconds before.

Now it was my hands working at the buttons of his expensive shirt, not caring if I ripped off some of the buttons in my excitement to have him. Already, I was soaked, ready and waiting for him, but not before I had a taste of the king for once, as he had tasted me so many times before.

Again, his hands curled the long strands of my hair upward and out of my face as my lips traveled lower across his bare chest and toward his belt buckle.

“Oh, you don’t know what you do to me,” he complained.

“I think I have some idea,” I breathed, pausing to unbuckle his belt, freeing his massive erection from the discomfort of his zipper. I’d barely managed to pull off his pants before my lips were locked around his hardness. A low, guttural moan echoed through the bedroom.

“Oh, Little Muse,” he groaned, fingers tightening in my hair. Gently, he guided my movements, up and down over his thick, full shaft, taking him as deep as I could until he was on the brink. “That’s enough of that!” he declared, and again, I found myself on my back before I knew what was happening.

He released my hair, allowing it to spill over my neck and shoulders as he buried his face in my breast, spreading my legs far apart simultaneously. Holding himself up with his strong arms, he was careful not to put any pressure on my stomach. Then he was inside me, and I gasped, bucking up to meet him fully.

His kiss latched onto my rigid nipple as my fingers now dug into his thick, dark hair. I yelped as he filled me deep, hitting all my right spots, his head finally coming up to meet mine.

“I love you, Maren,” he told me, and in that moment, something inside me snapped. His pupils dilated as an explosion erupted from the depth of my gut, spreading wildly like a fire to overtake every pore in my body at once.

“I love you,” I mewled, the fireworks imploding in pistons, one after the other, until I couldn’t tell where one started and the next ended.

This isn’t just an orgasm!I realized as our eyes held, the golden light in his eyes glowing and capturing me more. Our hearts were joined, my breath stolen as I understood that we were one now… for eternity.

An indescribable feeling of completeness washed over me, as if every missing piece of my soul had finally clicked into place. The world around us seemed to fade into the background, leaving nothing but the electric connection pulsing between us. A bond beyond mere words, it promised unbreakable loyalty, understanding, and love that would transcend time itself. With each beat of our hearts, the bond grew stronger, an invisible thread weaving our destinies together, irrevocably intertwined. We were no longer two separate entities but a single force, united against whatever challenges the future might hold.

The euphoria remained, my body falling in perfect sync with his rhythms, my soul bound to him now.

He plunged forward, still holding my stare, his movements growing harder, faster, more relentless. My voice was lost as I again tried to cry out against the next two climaxes, but I was a puddle of jelly in Nyx’s arms. He swelled tightly inside me, and I coaxed him forward, allowing him to join me in our final release. In unison, we finished, gasping and sweating, clinging to one another until the last drop was spent between us.

Nyx pulled out and moved to my side, wrapping me in his muscled arms, my back against his chest, nuzzling his mouth and nose to my neck.

A myriad of emotions swirled inside of me.

“Maren,” he whispered, his voice laced with awe and something profoundly tender, “do you feel it too? The mate bond?”

I nodded, unable to find my voice for a moment, mesmerized by the intensity of the powerful surge of connection that tethered my heart to his. “Yes, Nyx, I feel it.”

He hugged me tighter. “You’re not just the fae I love. You’re going to be the mother of my child, and now you’re my mate.”

Tears of joy and wonder welled in my eyes.

“I love you.” His voice was muffled against my neck and hair.

“I really do love you,” I replied with a shaky laugh, my entire form quivering in the aftermath.

Slowly, he turned me around to face him, his fingertips running gently over my lower lip.

“You are going to be a wonderful mother,” he said.

I bit on my lower lip, the sweetness of his statement taking me aback.

“You’re going to be a wonderful father, too,” I conceded. “This baby is lucky to have such awesome parents.”

He smiled, brushing his lips against mine. “I want you to be my queen.”

My own smile froze on my face as I stared at him. “What?”

“We should get married. Before the baby comes,” he announced. “Let’s make it official.”
