Page 35 of Nick

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“He’s dead, isn’t he?” Drew asked, his voice emotionless and cold.

He heard Josie in the background curse and begin muttering a prayer in the background.

He didn’t want to give up hope, so he took the time to check for a pulse and see if there were any other signs of life, such as breathing or movement. He waited a few moments, but when there was no response, he knew the situation was dire.

“Yeah, I think Andy is gone.” Nick closed Andy’s eyes as carefully as he could and avoided looking at the mess on his chest.

The extent of the damage done to Andy’s heart and ribs indicated it had been a brutal and unprovoked attack and that it was unlikely if Andy had still been breathing that he would survive long, if at all.

It was a blitz attack. Howard had taken the opportunity to inflict as much damage as he could. His actions demonstrated an uncontrolled anger and recklessness that suggested he was no longer in his right mind. Not that anyone could call him sane, but this was another level of horror.

He struggled with thoughts of vengeance for Andy’s suffering but knew he couldn’t take justice into his own hands. He felt powerless to do anything about it and that his anger might lead him to do something he would regret…like strangle Greg when he got hold of him.

“We kept Greg in sight, and we made sure that everything was locked down. If you’re heading down…” Drew said, interrupting his violent thoughts.

He swallowed hard, pushing himself to his feet. “Yes, I am,” he said, knowing he had to deal with this head-on.

“… then I’ll give you the code to open it manually.”

“Thank you, and stay safe,” he replied, putting the phone down.

Given what occurred, he needed to say it. The prison security office was designed to be a secure area and was underground to provide an extra layer of protection from any external threats, so they should be safe.

There were three of them standing quietly over Andy’s body, and Nick bowed his head to show respect for him. He felt a wave of sadness and pain wash over him as he looked down at Andy’s body.

He had known Andy for many years and wanted to show him respect, but the best he could do was utter a prayer. Nick took a moment to collect himself before he checked his phone for the code he needed.

He hadn’t brought the killer to Moon, but he had brought the traitor that let him free.

He had dedicated his entire life to serving others, often at the expense of his needs and desires. It didn’t matter…as long as he served his community, he didn’t care. It was his moral duty to set things right for Numbers.

Now, it seems all those efforts had been in vain.

It had all led to this point, where his male ultimately betrayed the very people (Numbers) he had been advocating for since he first heard about their existence all those years ago. Nick had been a champion for their rights, yet, when it came down to it, Greg chose to side with their enemies, as he had apparently done many times before.

He had forgotten they could sense his emotions until a strong, heavy hand landed on his shoulder. “We will take care of Andy’s family. We will do everything in our power to ensure that nothing like this happens to you again.” Mallen’s usually booming voice was surprisingly quiet. “Your male let you down. He will be held accountable.” Mallen squeezed before letting go.

Nick wasn’t sure if he was ready to hear it.

“Let’s go,” Drey snapped, and Nick nodded, saying another quick prayer for their friend.

Following the parking spaces, they climbed into the lift.

Their emotions were already running high due to the tension of the situation, and the feeling of being enclosed in the small lift space only magnified their feelings. A visibly shaken Drey bowed his head and rested his fists on the lift’s side. Mallen’s chest was vibrating with a growl, and he was rooted to the spot with a frozen look that could only be described as a claustrophobic terror on his face.

He ignored the atmosphere in the lift, and knowing how tense it would be, he remained calm until they reached the bottom floor.

He resisted leaving the lift because inside the lift there was no betrayal, no facing someone who had torn apart his world.

He trusted Greg with precious lives - his niece and great nephew who meant more to him than he could ever express.

Having to confront his friend, he scoffed - was he really a friend? Greg’s decision put them all in such a dangerous situation, which was sickening. He feared Greg’s actions would have ramifications they didn’t know about.

Who knows what he told their enemies about them?

A rumble of sound, a jolt as the lift doors opened. He stepped back as he was shoved aside, and growls rose around him. When the lift doors opened, both Alphas jumped out like they were on fire, even though the lift was functioning normally.

With determination, his feet slammed on the floor as he strode out of the lift. He entered the code for the two security doors, and they whooshed open.
