Page 5 of Nick

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With a sigh, he shook his head. Karen was always worried about Sylva.

When there were only two Numbers’ children, and it was impossible to predict their future, it was almost impossible not to be. He was just relieved that nothing had gone wrong with the birth.

When she went into labour with Sylva, he paced up and down the medical hall with his stomach like granite, holding his hand over his mouth to stop himself from guttural sobbing. When she screamed her last, he felt his heart race, then stop until Doctor Myers arrived and assured him everything was fine.

Every day, Nick saw Sylva grow stronger and more confident. Keeping that in mind, he said, “Sylva’s as healthy as a horse and a boisterous nipper, so you should focus on that.”

She sighed, “It’s easier said than done.” She waved her hand and said, “He’s having a playdate with Darby, so it was just a quick visit.” She then shifted forward and lowered her voice. “I had to visit. I’m worried about you, Uncle Nick.” She pushed the chair closer to the desk and reached across.

Feeling warm all over, he extended his hand. She took his hand and squeezed it. “I feel betrayed and hurt. They are like family. I remember them being there when you began putting together plans to free Numbers.”

She shook her head sadly, and he heard the same layer of frustration in her voice that was in his heart. “You gave them opportunities; you helped a lot of people. They must know their actions were wrong. They had no right to abuse your friendship and kindness!”

Nick sat back and listened as she asked the questions that had run through his mind on a repeated loop, like, why it was happening? At what point did they begin to betray him? How long would it last? There were countless other questions that he would never understand, even if the traitor gave him answers.

“I’m trying not to dwell on it,” he lied, but Karen’s tight smile told him she saw through him. Her gaze began to become sharper as she looked at him more closely. When she pursed her lips and narrowed them further, her mouth suddenly dropped open, and her eyebrows drew up in surprise. He shifted uncomfortably.

“Uncle Nick, are you going on a date?”

“No, I’m not,” he said too quickly. She grinned, and he groaned in response. He would never get peace from her probing questions unless he acted quickly. “It wasn’t a date; it was a quiet drink.” he insisted.

Karen sighed after giving him a searching look. “Uncle, if you are going on a date, I am happy for you. I told you years ago that you should find someone. So, who is it?”

He sighed and glanced at Sylva, who was secretly smiling while playing with his toys. The scent was probably familiar to Sylva, and he likely knew who it belonged to. “Keep your nose out,” he said with a smile.

“Okay, okay, keep your secrets,” she said as she embraced him. She still smelled like oil, so she had probably been working in the garage. “Is everything alright?”

“Absolutely,” he replied.

She didn’t need to know what he was thinking. Everything was too raw, and he was sure she had already felt his anger and devastation. Her relationship with the members of his team was as close as his was to them.

His team had kept Karen safe for years, but now one of them was threatening her family. Nick would keep his thoughts to himself and feel safe in the knowledge that Samiel would look after them.

Sylva flung himself into his arms, and he caught him, rubbing his back. He stroked a hand over Sylva’s hair, loving how wild and unruly it was.

Sylva grabbed his cheek and gave him a loud smacking kiss. His smile grew. “If you behave for your mama, I might be able to pack your favourite gummy bears for the next time you visit,” Nick said.

“Yay!” Sylva exclaimed as he wiggled down and put his toys away.

Nick reached out and grabbed Karen, pulling her into a bear hug. “The only thing that will keep you two safe is to stay away from me until this is all over. I need you both to be safe.” Karen’s eyes filled with tears, and her cheeks creased as her mouth pulled down. “Promise me?” he asked, and Karen nodded. “Good.”

During their walk down the hallway, he held his hand by his gun until they got into the lift, at which point he relaxed, flexing his fingers. Was he being paranoid? Probably.

Within seconds of entering the lobby, they would be surrounded by Numbers. The security centre was located on the ground floor, so they were less likely to be attacked.

He stomped back to his office.

His floor had suddenly become dangerous. The traitor was someone he had personally selected. Grumbling under his breath, he almost laughed because he sounded like a Number with a beast inside when the only thing he possessed was poor instincts.

“Beating yourself up doesn’t accomplish anything. None of us blame you,” Cain said from the doorway just as Nick reached his desk.

Nick’s shoulders tensed.

Obviously, he disagreed with that statement. He blamed himself for what happened.

Cain let out an annoyed sound as he walked into the room and closed the door. “Do you think we are unaware of your thoughts and feelings?”

Cain’s eyebrows slashed downward as he stared upward as if in prayer. “I know… I’m aware…I put one of my people back in a cage… We didn’t experiment on him, but I put him in a hole, and I couldn’t bear to look at him without wanting to kill him. I responded to events with emotion, not reasoning. As far as I was concerned, I should have known, and I should have been able to save my mate.”
