Page 63 of Nick

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They clapped hands and parted ways. Mallen’s shoulders were tight with tension as he closed the door. He felt relieved yet apprehensive, knowing he had to face his team.

He walked down the stairs to his floor. The open space and offices where he shouted for his people were equipped with all the latest technology.

An entire wall of the back wall was covered with a large board displaying the new leads. The projector was positioned in front of it at the moment. The team must have held a meeting or briefed everyone on something before he arrived this morning.

As the last member of his team marched in, he cleared his throat. He examined every face in the room. There were faces he trusted, but now they appeared battered, confused, and downright angry. He knew it was his responsibility to take the lead and guide them through the complex situation.

“It’s not my intention to speculate as to what was going through Greg’s mind at the time he betrayed us, nor do I claim to understand the reasons for his actions. What I do know…” He paused for a moment. He slammed his fisted hand into his other hand and said, “No organisation is infallible. No person is infallible.”

They all flinched like he had made that comment about them, but they didn’t get it. Not yet. “I don’t expect you to look for traitors in your ranks. The Numbers don’t condemn us. I don’t blame anyone. I don’t blame Greg.” He had their attention, all eyes on him. “I hold the bigots responsible for getting into his head and making him think this was his calling. Ignorance is what I blame, and you should too. That’s what we are fighting.”

His message was clear: they were to blame the perpetrators and not the victims. He wasn’t sure he believed it yet, but given time, he might.

“How do we know that nobody here is betraying us or working with Greg?” a female voice said.

He scanned the room. He found the small but deadly Lara and turned to face her.

“We don’t,” he said, letting his words sink into the room with a heaviness they all felt. It was like disappointment tried to sweep through them, but he spoke before they could let that infect them. “I trust you all.” Silence fell.

He spoke with such purity that no one could deny it. No one could fault his words or the tone in which he delivered them. There was no doubt, distrust, or wavering. He was certain that they would believe him, and that is what he conveyed in his speech.

There were a few wet eyes, rapid blinks, and even more closed eyes during the relieved exhales. His words had the desired effect, and only hoped they would begin believing them in time.

“And Greg?” Lara asked.

“He won’t see daylight again,” he paused before saying what he said next because Drew had agreed with the call he had made. It was only a matter of hoping that they all did. “I have left the decision regarding his interrogation and punishment to the Alphas and Numbers. They were the first to be affected by what he did, and I don’t think any of us can make that call.”

There were nods.

“We won’t get a say in his punishment?” Lara asked again. As if she were picking apart his reasons, her eyes were sharp.

“No.” A sharp, definitive response. He remained focused on her gaze. Despite understanding her history, the answer would remain the same. “I don’t believe any of us could have handled the situation with a clear head. Currently, I wish to concentrate on our team and our next task.”

He rolled his shoulders and picked up the file from the cabinet. Having placed it there, he was aware that he would be speaking with them today.

“What’s that?” John asked, having remained silent and in the background for some time.

“Here is a file containing the names of alleged caged animals. Odd numbers and medications incompatible with animals were discovered in the file, which led to suspicions. It was intended to be a private list sent to a private investor we imprisoned. Unfortunately, this list is an old one, which presents a problem.”

“It’s old, and the Numbers on here aren’t the ones we have on record for anyone at Moon. There was so much to sort through at the investor’s house that we were fortunate to catch it. Now that we have it in its entirety, it will simply be a matter of picking apart any threads we believe might relate to anything written here. I need you to do what you do best.”

His team swarmed around him in a matter of seconds.

Each team member took a piece of paper and bounced ideas off one another. As ideas flew back and forth, the team quickly developed a plan of action. Their shoulders were bent, and their heads were pressed together as they murmured strategies with infectious exhaustive energy.

He loved them for that because they wouldn’t give up. He relaxed; it might not be like it was before, but at least this was normal. After contemplating the room for a moment, he took one final glance around, satisfied with what he saw.

Drew was leaning against the door when he looked at him, and Nick asked, “You’ll take care of them while I handle something else.”

“Yes.” No question, no doubt. A loyalty that was freely given.

There was no doubt in his mind that he could leave everything to Drew. That was how he found himself standing outside Harper’s newly opened florist shop because he could completely trust Drew to keep everyone’s minds on the ball.

He had become accustomed to receiving approving nods and claps on the back in congratulations while walking through the hub. All the hard work he had put in, every struggle he had faced, every brick wall he had to break through, every fatigued night in which he paced relentlessly up and down had all been worth it.

It had all been worth it, he thought as he stared at his mate.

When she spotted him, a gentle smile spread across her face. She waved and glided over to open the door for him.
