Page 116 of Let's Play

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The end, for now…


Thank you for reading LOOSE END!!!! I hope you love Ryan and June as much as I do! I know I left you on the edge, but their story is far from over. To make sure you get their reunion, a full length Nashville Aces’ novel, click here to order TIGHT END.

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About the Author

Lover of all things romance and hockey, she also loves to bake extra delicious treats. Melissa Ivers loves to write steamy stories with all those hot, alpha men and women who can bring them to their knees, literally and figuratively. Melissa lives in Kentucky with her eye-rolling teenage son and two of the laziest dogs known to man. She has numerous fictional boyfriends, but—shhhh—they don’t know about each other.

When she isn’t writing or working, you’ll find her under a blanket on the couch reading a book on her Kindle, binge watching shows off Netflix, such as the Office and Vampire Diaries and being an all-around joy.

To keep current with what Melissa is doing stalk her on social media




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Also by Melissa Ivers

Devils Hockey

FORBIDDEN DEVIL (Lincoln and Jazz)

UNTAMED DEVIL (Tag and Elle)

BROODY DEVIL (Rhett and Lucy)

Love in Aspen


About Shootout

She’s ready to put it all on the line…

Josie spent the last four years watching her best friend Evan bag puck bunnies. Sure, she judged him for it but never cared. Until now. After her ex pointed out that she runs to Evan in her darkest hours, and sometimes even her brightest, she realizes the truth: she’s in love with her best friend. And she can’t watch him score through another girl’s five-hole any longer. Not when she wants in the game.

He doesn't even see it coming…

Evan’s first thought as soon as the game ends is finding Josie. Since they met, they’ve dissected his performance on the ice. He relies on her more than his coach. More than he relies on anyone else really. So when he finds Josie after winning the big game, he’s elated to celebrate their victory… until her confession checks him headfirst into the boards.

Can Evan handle Josie’s affection or will he walk away and lose it all?

Chapter 1
