Page 175 of Let's Play

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We laughed.

“That must be something to see since we had the pleasure of meeting that foursome over a year ago when Ottawa came to play against Colorado.” I made a retching noise even though watching that foursome had made me envious and sad. We’d been so close to having that before she disappeared, leaving without a word.

“But he deserves it after putting up with those cows who he ended up taking restraining orders out against.” T.J. Ran his hand through his longer-on-top, light brown hair, pulling it back out of his eyes. “I’ve never seen anyone with such bad luck before.”

“Yeah, well. It seems to be a Scott’s curse since Ryan had some as well.”

“And you?” Aaron asked Michael. “Do you have any?”

“Restraining orders?” When we nodded, Michael continued, “Yeah, I have a few, but that isn’t a problem anymore.”

“Oh.” T.J. wiggled his eyebrows. “I hadn’t heard that you were off the market. Who’s the lucky lady?”

“Or man, since Brad ended up swinging both ways?” Aaron added.

Michael held up both his hands. “Women only. And no one. Since my brothers have come out, all the women want me to be part of a group, and I don’t swing that way. I want my encounters one-on-one, so you could say that my brothers are once again cock-blocking me. Just like they did when I was younger.”

I couldn’t help it. I doubled over as I laughed so hard. Michael sounded like a petulant child and exactly how Brad described him and his over-the-top dramatics.

“I thought that way. Once,” T.J. said through his chuckles that I recognized had become forced. “But then I discovered what I was missing.”

This time it was T.J. who turned our thoughts back to Becca, sobering us faster than you could flick a light switch.

I couldn’t help myself as I spoke from the heart. “Once you find the right woman, you won’t care if you are sharing her with your friend or friends. Because it will be so much better than anything you ever dreamed of.”

“Besides, sex in multiples can be really H-O-T, hot,” Aaron added, breaking the tension and pallor that hung over us. Not that I could say I had much experience with it, but that one time had been the stuff dreams were made of even if it ended up unleashing a nightmare.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

The walk towards the house was filled with laughter and teasing as we discovered how often Michael’s gaze strayed to Susie. And when we discovered that Jonathon hadn’t given him the usual warning, our interest grew, which led to us rooting for him and Susie. After all, if Jonathon wasn’t going to get off his ass and take a chance with her, Michael needed to. Susie was a sweet girl who deserved to have some fun.

We had just climbed the first step up to the deck when the large patio door opened, drawing our attention. It wasn’t the man who stepped through first that grabbed our attention, but rather the woman who walked through after him. Her dark brown hair glowed with a copper halo as the sun hit it. It was longer than the last time I’d seen her, hanging down to the middle of her back. But her deep brown eyes were the same, welcoming and filled with compassion and life. Although when I looked closer, they’d lost some of their sparkle.

“Becca,” I said, along with T.J. and Aaron. It came out as a whispered plea filled with desperation, longing, anger, and a hint of betrayal.

I couldn’t hear anything else that was said over the pounding of my heart. After all this time, she stood before me, before us. We bounded up the steps, crossing the deck in a few strides.

“Becca,” we growled in unison, drawing her gaze.

She stared at us as her face lost all its colour.


Chapter 3


“Becca,” they growled as they surrounded me, pushing into my personal space.

Jason, who’d driven up while I’d been wandering Jonathon’s front yard, taking a moment to myself, gave me a sheepish look before he stepped to the side, leaving me to face the three overbearing men on my own.

My knees trembled, barely able to hold up my weight as I stared at the three men before me. My gaze jumped from man to man, unable to decide where to look first. There was T.J. with his dark blond hair shaved short on the sides while the top was left a little longer to show off his soft curls, all used to highlight his grey-blue eyes and the strong cheekbones that pointed to his lush lips. Brice stood next to him on his right, with his clean cut, tall, dark, and handsome look that made women want to strip their panties off while they clutched him to their chest. On his left side stood Aaron with his bleached blond hair in almost the exact same cut, except the longer pieces on top were brushed back away from his face, allowing his brilliant blue eyes to shine. Except they weren’t shining now.

My vision went grey as I struggled to catch my breath. Even though I’d vowed that I never wanted to see them again, it was all a lie. Every night, as much as I fought against it, they appeared before my eyes as I dreamt. Sometimes the dreams were sickly sweet, sometimes they were downright raunchy, but many nights those dreams turned to nightmares. Nightmares that started just like this.

But I couldn’t let them see that they affected me. I was stronger than that. So after my momentary freak out, I took a deep breath, and summoned my boardroom face. “T.J. Brice. Aaron.” I gave a polite little chin nod to each of them. “It’s nice to see you again.”

They looked at me as if I had two heads or spouted horns.
