Page 44 of Let's Play

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Her breath catches at the reminder of what happened three months ago.

I tilt my head. “Or maybe that’s what you want?”

A whimper escapes from her. I can almost see her mentally tumbling back in time and reliving the moment at the club where we’d been hanging out with friends.

When her back hits the wall, I stalk closer, caging her in before pressing my erection into the softness of her body and thrusting. “So, what’s it gonna be, baby?”

Her forehead falls against my chest. “You’re going to be my undoing, you know that?”

Yup, I do.

Because I feel the exact same way.

Maybe it took me a while to see what had always been right in front of me, but now that my eyes have been opened, I won’t ever let her go.

She picks up her head until our gazes collide. “I love you.”

I rub the tip of my nose against hers. “I love you, too. Always will. Now, get your ass in that room so I can have my wicked way with you.”

She grins before doing exactly that.

The End.


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Campus Player (Demi & Rowan’s story) here -)

Campus Heartthrob (Sydney & Brayden) here -)

Pre-order Campus Hottie here (Carson & Elle) here -)


About the Author

Jennifer Sucevic is a USA Today bestselling author who has published twenty New Adult novels. Her work has been translated into German, Dutch, and Italian. Jen has a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She started out her career as a high school counselor and lives in the Midwest with her husband, four kids, and a menagerie of animals. If you would like to receive regular updates regarding new releases, please subscribe to her newsletter here- Jennifer Sucevic Newsletter (

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