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Jennifer Sucevic Books - BookBub

About All I’ve Got

I’ve spent my whole life in the spotlight. From star athlete in high school to the major leagues in the blink of an eye.

When an injury suddenly ends my career, I return home a celebrity. The problem with that is I don’t want to be a celebrity. I want to teach kids, give them the chances that I had when I was kid.

My best friend gets me the job I've always wanted. Coaching the Little League All Star team from his hometown. So I pack up and move as fast as I can to live my dream working with kids.

One in particular catches my eye but local politics might prevent him from becoming the star player I know he can be. That young man is not the only one that catches my eye in this town though.

Can his mom overcome the years of abuse and gossip this town has piled on her? I don’t know, but I’m going to give it all I’ve got to make her mine.

Chapter 1


“I’m going to be late for work. Do you have everything in your bag?” I ask Max as we get into the car.

He never looks up from his phone, just shakes his head as if I can hear him.

“Max, I asked you a question.” I patiently say.

“I answered.” He huffs, having been interrupted from his perusal of his video.

“No, you didn’t. Shaking your head is not an answer.” I turn left onto the street that leads to his friend Tommy’s house.

“Yes, mom, I got everything.” He calmly answers finally while putting his phone away.

“I’ll see you later when Mr. Scott drops you off at the diner.”

I pull up into the Scott’s driveway and watch as Mrs. Scott steps out on the porch giving me a little wave.

“Love you, Mom!” Max shouts as he jumps out, running to the porch.

I wave back at Mrs. Scott before pulling back out onto the road. Harry, my boss at the diner, is going to be a little ill about my running late but his wife, Martha, always calms him down.

He’s not a bad guy really. He treats me like the daughter he and his wife never had. They were never able to have children. While they always seemed okay with that, I still get the feeling that it saddens them.

Growing up in this town was hard for me. My family didn’t have money, not even to keep the lights on from month to month. Harry and Martha took me under their wing even back then. Always making sure that I had something to eat and clean clothes to wear to school. My mom never even noticed.

The year I turned sixteen is when things went from bad to worse. That’s the year that Max’s dad took an interest in me. Craving attention that I never received before, I soaked it up like a sponge never really knowing that all James wanted was to get in my pants. Once he had that, I no longer existed for him.

Once he found out about Max, he spread lies all over town about seeing me at the local bar just outside of town giving it up to every trucker that happened through. After going through all of that, I never told the truth about who Max’s father was.

The only one I’ll ever owe an explanation to is Max. When the day comes and he asks, I’ll tell him the truth about all of it.

Pulling up at the diner, I park the car and head inside, slipping my apron on as I walk through the back.

“There you are. You’re late! Thought we’d be short handed.” Harry growls but I smile at him, kissing his cheek as I pass by. “Don’t think to butter me up, missy!” Although he sounds harsh, he smiles as I go to the front to find Martha at the counter.
