Page 48 of Let's Play

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“You want to tell me why?” I whisper to him.

He looks around until he sees that his mom is behind the counter before turning back to look at me.

“You aren’t going to tell my mom are you?” He says with a serious expression.

“I promise. It’ll just be between us guys.” Although I promise him, I know that if it’s too bad I will have to tell his mom.

“He likes to call me a bastard and gets the other kids to say it too.” He shrugs like it’s not that big of a deal.

“I’m guessing you know what the word means?” I ask him.

“Yeah, I know what it means but I don’t care. Not really. I watch the other boys at school with their dads and some of them aren’t that nice. Except Mr. Scott, he never yells at Tommy or me. Even if we mess up.” I listen as he explains it all from his perspective and can tell that while he’s had it rough, deep down he’s a smart little boy that will go far in life.

“My dad doesn’t yell either. Not even when I mess up.” I smile at him as we finish eating.

A little while later, I say my goodbyes to Max before walking up to the counter to pay for my tab.

“Leaving already? I hope your food was to your liking.” Becky greets me at the cash register.

“It was very good actually. I’m just going to head home. The movers moved everything in but I only just got here this morning so I’m a little tired.” I smile, handing her my credit card.

“Here you go.” She says, handing me the card and a receipt.

“Would you like to have coffee with me sometime?” I smile hoping that she will agree. A woman hasn’t turned my head in a really long time. This one, not batting her lashes at me, intrigues the hell out of me.

“I don’t think that would be a very good idea.” She answers, looking around as if to see if anyone heard.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” I ask.

“I’m not that kind of woman. Thank you Coach Brian. Have a good night.” She firmly says before walking away.

Accepting the no for now, I stick the receipt in my pocket as I head out the door. I’ll get her to have coffee with me, I vow to myself. Any woman that doesn’t automatically turn on her charms from looking at me is definitely worth a second look. Even a third and fourth look.

Chapter 3


It took a few days to get all of my stuff unpacked from the boxes. I’m just finishing up putting the plates up in the cabinet when I notice it’s time to head over to Sonny’s place.

He and his wife, Sara, invited me to dinner tonight at their house. He warned me that the Mayor would be there with his wife as well as a few other people.

They’ll want to talk about the boys and which ones I think will need to be cut from the team. While they have a lot of say in who stays or goes, ultimately it is up to the coach. Since I am the coach, I’m prepared to butt heads with whomever I need to.

I’m walking up to Sonny’s door about fifteen minutes later.

“I was beginning to wonder if you were going to leave me to all these wolves by myself.” Sonny whispers, opening the door to invite me in.

“I seriously thought about it.” I whisper back.

“The mayor’s wife is a pain in the ass so watch her.” He whispers just before we walk into his dining room.

“Brian, good to see you!” Mayor Hall exclaims, shaking my hand. “This is my gorgeous wife, Karen.” He introduces the lady standing beside him.

“Luke’s parents, right?” I ask, looking at them as I remember Max talking about Luke being a bully.

“That’s right. Isn’t he just the best ball player?” Karen smiles wide but I don’t agree with her assessment of his abilities as a ball player.

There are several on the team that are far better at the sport. Part of the sport is being a team player that isn’t a bully to others.
