Page 60 of Let's Play

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“Mayor Hall.” Brian quietly says.

I stay quiet, not giving a direct answer although he doesn’t need one. Anyone with eyes in their head can see who Max’s dad is if they chose to look close enough.

“So for thirteen years you have stayed quiet while they treat you like scum? Not my future daughter in law! Not any more.” Mrs. Lewis slaps her hand on the table making me jump with her outburst.

Did she say future daughter in law? I ask myself, trying to catch back up with the conversation.

“You my dear, don’t deserve what you have been through. I know from my son and from talking to you this morning that you are an amazing young lady. A strong woman that has persevered regardless of what life has thrown her way. Stop feeling like we would ever think any differently of you.” Mrs. Lewis says, walking over to my side, wrapping her arms around me.

I hug her back, truly hopeful for the first time in my entire life.

Chapter 8


We had an amazing practice after everyone was told who made the team. While I wanted so badly to cut Luke from the team, I couldn’t do so. He’s a good player but needs to work on being a team player. Maybe it’s not too late to change the way his parents have made him to be.

We all get to Gamez Pizza afterwards, the kids running around everywhere trying to play every game they possibly can. I paid for everything ahead of time so that the kids wouldn’t need tokens for the night.

“You are doing great with those boys. I’m proud of you, son.” My dad says, slapping my back.

“Thanks, Dad. I’m going to enjoy it. It was something I always wanted to do anyway.”

“I remember. You always said that if you didn’t make it in the league you would just coach. But I have to say, while you were an amazing player, I think you are an outstanding coach.” He smiles as I lean in to hug him.

“You are a great dad, you know that?” I ask.

“Hey, I’m right here too!” Mom exclaims from the other side. I smile in her direction.

“You already know you are the best mom in the whole world.” I smile as her face beams with pride.

Looking over at Becky, I see her getting up from her chair.

“Where are you off to?” I ask.

“Just going to the ladies room. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She smiles back as I watch her walk away.

“I have to say, I really do like her.” Mom says with a grin.

“I really like her too.” I murmur back.

“When are you going to pop the question?” Dad looks at me expectantly to see how I answer mom's newest question.

“I’m not sure. I think I need a ring first though.” I answer after a minute.

“Well, I figured as much so I brought this with me.” She smiles widely again as she pulls a small box from her purse and opens it.

“Grandma’s ring?” I ask with surprise.

“Well it’s not like I have a daughter to pass it down to so a daughter in law will have to do.” She states simply.

If I didn’t already love my mom with all my whole heart, I would right this minute. My parents really are the best parents in the entire world.

Grabbing my mom in a hard hug, I hold her to me.

“I love you, mom.” I whisper.

“I love you too, sweet boy. Now hurry up. I need to legally, be able to spoil my grandson.” She pushes me back to look into my eyes as I laugh at her statement.
