Page 14 of Alpha

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“He’s a good soldier, and he’ll be a great asset.” I aimed my comment more at Cole. “He’s had my back longer than anyone. I trust him.”

“His file is impressive,” Cole agreed.

“My apologies,” Ivy stood at the entrance of the room and seemed worn out from her day, “but my phone call ran long.”

“Not a problem.” Savannah beamed. “Please come and eat.”

“Doc Roberts is still working. He said he’d eat something later.” Savannah nodded as Ivy moved her gaze to mine. She took her seat across from Mark and me.

“Welcome back.” She smiled.


“Hey, Keith,” Mike leaned forward, “any chance you could ask Liza to find me that knife I showed you the other night? I think it’ll fit perfectly in that leather pouch I got.”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll send ya her number. You can talk to her yourself.”

“My, my, so many numbers being passed around today,” Mark muttered and looked at Ivy. Ivy’s eyes widened. Wait, did she get that guy’s number?

“Meaning?” John asked.

“Mark, are you startin’ shit?” Mia glared at him. “So help me God, if you meddle in something that isn’t meant for you, I’ll scalp you in your sleep.”

Savannah laughed and lifted a glass to Mia at her comment. The women in the house were wonderfully ruthless, and it made life here so entertaining. I looked over at Mark to see how he took her comment.

“Do you see the abuse?” Mark pointed his fork at his wife, and a few of us smirked. “Everyone picks on poor, innocent Mark.”

“There’s nothing innocent about you,” Mia scoffed.

“If I may,” Abigail stood at the far end of the table, “I actually have something to share. I’m sure some of you have noticed I haven’t been myself lately. I’ve had some tests run—”

“You had what? When?” Mark’s face fell, and he whipped around to look at Mia. “Did you know—” He looked back at Abigail. “Did she know about this?”

“Just listen.” Mia patted his arm.

“As I said, I had some tests run,” Abigail tsked at Mark, “and I’m pleased to share it’s nothing more than low blood pressure. I might feel a little funny for the next week while I adjust to the medication, but I’ll be back to my old self in no time. So, there’s no need for anyone to worry.”

“That’s wonderful news, Abby.” Daniel looked around the table then tilted his head at Mark. “Yes, son, I knew, but I promised. If there was something you needed to know, you’d have been the first to be filled in.”

“You mean fourth to know.” Mark leaned back in his chair. “You and Cole knew, Doc Roberts knew, and oh, yeah, apparently, my wife knew. But you know who didn’t know? Me, her son.”

“Oh, Mark, you’re a bit extreme sometimes.” Savannah egged him on. “You’re at nine, and you need to be like at three.”

“Excuse me?” He rose from his chair. “The only thing that’s a nine right here is this face.” He waved his hands around his face, which brought laughter around the table.

“Uncle Mike?” Cole’s son tugged at the sleeve of Mike’s shirt. I heard a little snort come from Savannah and looked over. She wore a dark smirk.

“What’s up, little man?” He fist-bumped him.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course.”

Easton hit his arm and screamed, “Suck it, sucker. You’re it!”

John leapt from the table, and Mike tore off after him, knowing that was John’s play with Easton.

“That’s my boy.” Cole laughed and pushed his chair out from the table as Easton climbed up on his lap.

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