Page 95 of Alpha

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“You alone?” I whispered.


“Back exit?”

“Sí.” He pointed toward the kitchen.

“Gracias.” I quickly dropped some money on the table for his silence, grabbed Lexi’s hand again, and we moved through the house.

“What about a car?” she huffed behind me.

“We won’t get ten feet in a car right now.” I pulled the curtain back and scanned the rooftops. “On foot is best.”

Yells from the front of the house made us move faster.

Zip! Zip! Bullets found us, and loud screams could be heard.


“This way.” I used the protection of the eaves as we fought our way around bikes, trash, toys, motorbikes, whatever people had lying around their back yards.

“Jesus!” Lexi screamed as more bullets flew over her shoulder. “Do you have any idea where you’re going?”

“Nope,” I tossed a wash bucket out of our way, “but I know we can’t be here.”

“Call me crazy, but I think they want me dead.” She craned her neck to look back. “I thought I was worth a few million,” she huffed sarcastically.

“You’re worth even more now since we left the house.”

“But you won’t get paid if I’m dead.” She tried to make sense of it all as I decided where to go next.

“It’s me they want dead, not you.” I motioned for her to stay put as I kept low and scanned the area. Empty. “Come on.” I jerked my head at her to join me, and we raced across the exposed street and disappeared into the darkness on the other side.

“You think they saw us?” she asked as she tried to catch her breath.

“I don’t think so.” I leaned forward to look around but was careful not to out our location.

“We can’t stay here for long. The moment the sun comes up, we’re dead.”

“Wait, why do they want you dead?”

“Because I made sure Chili won the bid.”



“Eric,” she pulled at my shoulder so I’d look down at her, but it was too dark to see her face, “I’ve had friends who have been where I am now, but there’s never been a guy like you in any of their stories. Who are you? Tell me the truth. Are you working for the feds?”

I grimaced, knowing she couldn’t see my expression. “No, Lexi, I’m not a fed.”

“Okay,” I felt her move, and she pressed her hand against my chest, “then give me one good reason I shouldn’t make a run for it. What makes you any different than them?”

“Because I’m your—” I pushed her back behind me when I heard footsteps. Her frozen hand latched on to my arm and squeezed.

“Search everywhere,” one of Castillo’s soldiers hollered.

Three men raced by us as we kept low in the shadows. One stopped and shone a light around but soon ran after the others. Lexi’s grip grew tighter on my arm.
