Page 19 of Grim

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“We have a meeting at ten tomorrow morning,” I reminded him. “At Secrets, and don’t be late. The designer is coming in to look at the lobby.”

“Sure, sure.” He waved me off, and I threw an exasperated look to Leo, who nursed a beer.

“What?” I caught his expression.

“Dad said you pissed Kenna off this morning.” He chuckled.

“I friggin’ barely remember the chick, and she’s in the office telling me I screwed her out of a client years back.” I shook my head.

“I’m sorry I missed the lashing.” He laughed, and I rolled my eyes. “I’ve seen her shut clients down, but I’d have paid good money to see her do it to you.”

“She’s got a mouth.” I pulled at my sleeve as my skin heated with the memory of her speaking to me that way. “I won’t tolerate it or her fucking father’s.”

“Mm,” he grinned over the lip of the bottle, “Kenna can get away with a lot here, brother. You’ll see.”

Not anymore, because I’m home.

Simon Gable

“Fuck.” I tossed a file on my desk. I’d spent the last two days reading it front to back, forward and backward. “There’s nothing.”

“There’s always something.” Calli frowned at me from across the room. “You’re just stubborn and won’t take a break.”

“I don’t need a break. What I need is more evidence to prove he was actually there at the same time as the victims.” I stood and paced while my frustration mounted. Thanks to Cameron, I’d become a private investigator years back and had worked for his practice ever since. We had similar interests and goals. I was good with computers and finding people. I was also particularly good at manipulating people to be in places they shouldn’t be. My job had become a giant game of chess, and each move I made helped Cameron’s clients and, in turn, helped me with my plan. I helped his clients when they needed an alibi, or someone to take the fall.

I’d proven time and again to Cameron that I was an asset, and I intended to keep it that way. The trouble was, at that moment I was completely at a loss to see what my next move should be, and that worried me.

“I still can’t believe you and Dad even found a witness who was willing to testify.” She crossed her legs and inched her glasses farther up her nose. “No one ever comes forward when it comes to assholes like these.”

“Until now.” I smirked, pleased what money could buy when the stakes were high enough. Calli didn’t need to know the witness was bought and paid for. No one did. She was doing enough as it was.

I glanced at a text message that popped up on my Mac computer.

CM: Done.

I erased the message and went back to the file.

“You need to eat.” She dropped the red pen in the center of her reference book and dared me to decline. “Come on.” She held out a hand, but when I didn’t make a move, she pouted. I rolled my eyes, locked my computer, and grabbed my jacket.

We skipped a cab and walked the three blocks to Indulge despite my complaint about her choice of venue. I wanted to eat anywhere but there. I just wasn’t in the mood, as the place was always crowded. I had to work on saying no to her.

The moment we stepped into Desires, Cameron came up behind us.

“Finally decided to join the living?” He slapped my shoulder as he pushed by us to sit next to Leo and his brother Grim.

“It’s been a while, Mr. Gates.” Calli reached over and shook Grim’s hand. “Happy to be back?”

“I am.”

“Calli.” She pointed to herself, and he nodded, disinterested. “Cameron’s youngest daughter,” she muttered with a pissed look as she looked at the seat next to her father. He grinned at her lovingly as he patted the seat next to him.

I wasn’t happy with how crowded the place was but reluctantly took the seat between Calli and Leo.

“How’s work going?” Leo asked. I was sure to break the uncomfortable silence Grim created. Grim wasn’t like his other siblings. The only time I’d ever witnessed him in any kind of friendly conversation was when he was with a client. Usually, he was ripping someone a new asshole or throwing orders about, and most of the time he ignored people altogether—at least, he ignored me. I didn’t mind. I was just as pleased not to have to interact with him. Calli, who’d known the Gates family much longer than I had, always described Grim as dark, brooding, and unpredictable.

“Work’s good.” I paused to order the crispy roast duck with honey balsamic sauce and mashed potatoes. I might not like the crowds here, but the food was exceptional. “Right now, I’m following a lead that seems to be a dead end.”

“What’s it like being a PI for him?” one of the waiters I knew asked quietly. He nodded toward Cameron, who was in conversation with his daughter.
