Page 53 of Grim

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I only wished I didn’t have to hold myself back and could let loose with my required tastes, but I knew these women could never take the wrath I’d unleash.

“Morning.” The redhead’s eyes popped open, her hair in disarray. “Gimme me a sec and I’ll be ready to go again.”

“I need to get to work.” I checked the time. “Time to get up, ladies!”

Leal let out a growl as one of the women raised her head from where she was sprawled out on the couch. Zhen looked at me then at his brother before he too started to growl. I sympathized. I knew they never liked it when I brought company up here. It was the one place where the three of us could relax, and if someone else was there, they never settled. They probably hadn’t slept at all during the night. I lifted an eyebrow and kept my voice firm.

“Go on,” I ordered. They both immediately got up and left, but Leal circled back and popped his head in the room to give me an extra hard look. “Leal,” I warned and shook my head at him, and he left, but his point was made.

“Those two are scary as hell,” the redhead muttered from beneath her arm.

“That’s their job.” I rubbed my face and wished they’d get the hell out.

“No,” she rolled over and exposed her fake boobs, “dogs are supposed to be cute and cuddly, not nasty and looking like they just came from guarding a junkyard.”

“Maybe I should call them back in here and show you just how nasty they can be.” I gave her a hard stare, and she hid under her arm again. I hated it when people judged a dog simply by its breed. They were as different as people, and their personalities were formed by their owners. It was all in how they were raised. Of course, there were always exceptions, I had to admit. Humans could be worse; I knew because I was one of them.

“It’s cruel, what you did to their ears, too,” she murmured. “Plus, it’s ugly.”

I actually didn’t agree with cropping a dog’s ears, but I certainly wasn’t going to explain to her it wasn’t me who had it done.

“No one asked for your opinion.” I made a mental note not to engage with this chick again.

“You’re mean.”

“You have no idea.” I smirked, and she rolled over and reached for her shoes. “Now, leave.” I had things to do. I peeled the blonde’s arms and legs from me and dragged my hungover body to the bathroom and slammed the door.

I turned the water to hot and let it pour over me. Though last night was fun, it was only fun. Nothing particularly excited me these days. If I held myself totally back when I was that pent up, I knew it would be bad for me. I’d burn inside and go so dark even a trip to the desert wouldn’t help. I knew I had to get away from these women before I unleashed that side of me. A craving I recognized ached inside.

I showered, changed, and downed some of the coffee Jesse had brought. I’d heard him come in. He sat and sipped his own steamy cup in my comfy reading chair. We both looked into the bedroom through the open door. Jesse pointed at the redhead, who looked quickly up at us then away as she buttoned the top of her dress. She looked frightened. Good. Get the fuck out.

“Someone isn’t happy.” He pointed to Leal, who was now glued to his leg.

“I know.” As I walked by, I gave the pup a much-needed pat then shot the chick who had insulted his looks a nasty glare as she hobbled on one shoe. I had no doubt Leal had given Jesse an earful when he came in about the girls being in their space. Zhen moved close to my feet and pushed against me to demand his turn.

“How are the boys settling in?” He looked at Leal, whose ears twitched. He was hyper-focused on the girls in the other room. “Going from a house in Mexico to a penthouse in the sky must be a big adjustment for them.”

“They’re adjusting.” I shrugged. They flew with us everywhere, so it wasn’t like they weren’t used to new places. Although I knew they’d appreciate a routine when I finally got settled. “They seem to be good with that dog walker, Darcy.”

“’Cause she’s cute.” Jesse gave me a shit-eating grin. “They have an eye for the ladies, you know. Except when you bring them here,” he added. My mind went to Darcy. She certainly was cute, but she was young, and I didn’t go there. I liked a mature woman with a strong mindset. Kenna’s face flashed in my head, but I shook that right back out. “The girl knows her stuff and gives the boys a good workout.” Movement in the bedroom made both dogs sit up and tense.

I was pleased to see rule one was being enforced by one of my security team.

“All right, ladies, you’ve been warned to get moving, so chop-chop!” Janice, one of my female team members, tossed the rest of their clothes at them. Rule one, when the sun comes up the girls get out.

The blonde thrust her bare boobs toward the ceiling and gave it a last try.

“Sure you don’t want to go another round?” she called. She was attractive, but I was no longer interested in her.


Janice shooed them into the elevator. She gave me a curt nod, but I caught her grin as one of the girls tried to grab her ass.

“Sorry, hun, I’m not into pussy.” I had to laugh. Janice was all right.

“I’d ask how your night went, but…” Jesse shrugged and pointed at the bed.

“Just needed to take the edge off.”
