Page 81 of Grim

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“If you have his real name, it would be a starting point for me.” I figured if they were going to shoot me, they would by now.

“Figure it out yourself.” Brick looked like stone.

Trigger suddenly spoke. “Luis Aguilar.”

“Sorry, who’s that?” I looked at him, confused.

“The guy who killed Castillo.” He shrugged and took another pull on his joint. “You and I have a deal.” Trigger ignored Cameron and looked at me, and I felt the full weight of his power. “But if you don’t hold up your end and get some info on Brick’s brother, I’ll fuckin’ kill you.”

“Understood,” Cameron blurted as he jumped to his feet. “Thank you.” He reached to shake Trigger’s hand again then yanked his arm back as he and Brick brushed past him and left the office. I sank back into my chair and ripped off my tie as I fought for breath. Coming so close to death rattled me, but even worse was what could come from the deal I’d made.

“Are you fucking insane?” I blurted at Cameron, not caring at that moment that I worked for him. “A little warning might have been nice.”

“We needed a hail Mary, and we got it.” He watched them leave through the glass. “Wait for a few weeks, then gather the information and hand it over.”

“Cameron, I’m?—”

“Going to do your job.” He cut me off and I knew we were finished with the discussion. “Nick,” he yelled to one of his guards, “follow them.” He nodded at the elevator.


I swirled my spoon around my mug as I watched the sunrise spread across the city below. I hadn’t slept more than a few hours over the past couple of nights; the delays at my new hotel played on me. Jesse and I had spent the previous day locked in my office under the hotel with Darryl and Ridder trying to follow a lead to do with the local Las Vegas contractors. Christ, if Melvern Trident Jr., whose very name pissed me off, was able to add on to the Mac hotel without any evidence of issues, why the hell was I constantly plagued with problems? There’d been no work stoppage on their site that my guys could see, and no one even liked Melvern.

I had to agree with Darryl; I was being targeted personally. I knew I was going to have to go elsewhere and probably have to pay a lot more to hire someone from out of state or Secrets would never get finished. The timeline for the grand opening had already been shot to hell.

I glanced at my watch as the elevator dinged. Zhen ripped by me and stood at the elevator door while Leal stayed put near me. I heard him growl as he waited for the door to open. I ignored them; I knew who it was.

“Whatever it is, Leo, it can fucking wait,” I hissed. I needed time to think.

“And I’m the one with the mouth?” Kenna’s wry voice made me spin around. Her tight top and loose skirt with its waist-high slit instantly clouded my head. “I tried to call, but,” her voice broke as Zhen sat in front of her, “you weren’t answering.”

“So, you just decided to come up to my floor?” I hated to admit it, but I was glad it was her and not Leo. I wasn’t ready to prep for today’s meeting just yet. “Stand down.” I ordered, and Zhen immediately turned and went into the kitchen with his brother close behind.

“When Trigger tells you to do something, it’s kind of scary not to follow through.”


“I see, so you’ll follow his instructions but not mine.” I gave her a narrow look and finished off the rest of my coffee.

“It’s different.” She looked away, and I wondered what ran through that devious head of hers. “He’s,” she visibly fumbled, which amused me, “scary.” I knew that wasn’t the word she wanted to use.

“And I don’t scare you?” I set my mug down and rubbed my chin as I stepped toward her.

“Maybe, sometimes,” she admitted as I got close. “Other times you’re just an ass.” She smirked.

“Maybe, sometimes,” I repeated and chuckled, and she lightly joined in. My eyes raked down her body, and that crackle that always seemed to be between us spiked. She broke eye contact with me after a second and looked around.

“Your place is nice.”

“Thank you,” I said quietly and licked my lips with a sudden urge to taste her skin.

“It lives up to your name.” She leaned to see past me. The gothic-style living room, much like my bedroom, was quite dramatic. “It’s got a very dark, medieval kind of feel. I half expect to see Bill Compton walk out with a set of fangs.”

“I do love my spot on your neck,” I couldn’t help but say, and her gaze moved back to mine. I closed the gap between us.

“Grim,” her hand landed on my chest, and my body heated, “I need to tell you something.” I brushed her hair off her neck and thumbed my spot. It had turned a beautiful shade of light purple. I was pleased she hadn’t covered it with makeup.

“So, talk.” I leaned down, and just as I grazed her neck, she stepped back. Instantly, my temper flared.
