Page 93 of Grim

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“Ask a different one, then,” I pushed back. His face went hard at my unwillingness to play by his rules.

“Fine,” he muttered, “tell me exactly what happened yesterday.”

I glanced at the time on his mantel in the realization it was after one thirty in the morning, I guessed the fire was yesterday, too.

“I was helping Yen Hong with something, when Dale came running over and said his friend who worked at Mac was out for a smoke break and saw flames at Secrets. He called Dale, and Dale found me to go tell you.”

“And?” He waited.

“And after you left the hotel, I caught a ride with Jayden, who was heading over there too and then found Minnie.”

“Kenna,” his tone was sharp, “move the story along.” He was right, I was stalling.

“And once I saw you leave with Trigger, I told Minnie we should go back, like you said. I wanted to find Jim to make sure he knew about what happened with the biker and all that. Anyway, she wanted to stay, so I said I’d meet her back at the hotel.” He nodded, and I turned to the window and went on. “Well, one minute I was walking back, and the next I was grabbed around the waist, and someone covered my mouth. I was pushed into a car.” I cleared my throat uncomfortably and heard him get out of the chair to stand next to me. He turned me to face him.

“Then?” His gaze pierced into mine.

“Then I struggled, I fought back.” A wave of anger went over me. “Damn it, the more I fought, the more they seemed to enjoy it. I could hear them laughing.” I could feel their hands on me.

“What happened then?” His eyes blazed.

“Then I stopped.” I looked down. “I knew they enjoyed it. The one you cut he was the worst. I’m glad you got him for me.”

“I’m glad, too,” he nodded, “but now I know cutting him isn’t enough, I’ll find him again and take him to the mines.”

Mines? I wanted to ask but at the same time knew my head couldn’t take any more at that moment.

“Anyway, once that Caleb guy showed up at the bar, he kept them in check for the most part.”

“Did they hurt you?”

“Just,” I closed my eyes and willed my own anger back, “Grim, I’m fine. You guys showed up, and things are good.”

“Things are far from good,” he snarled. “And who the hell is this friend they’re talking about?”

“I have no idea.” I really didn’t.


“I have,” I growled at him, and Leal matched my growl.

“They could have killed you, Kenna.”

“You don’t think I know that?” My voice broke at the end. “You don’t think that wasn’t going through my head when that asshole had his hands all over me.” I shuddered at the memory. “All I could think about was?—”

His phone rang and Jesse’s name popped up. I could see he struggled if he should answer it or not.

“Was, what?”

I pointed to his phone. “You should get that.”

“What?” He growled as a greeting. “Bring them to the office. I’ll deal with them later.” He hung up and his murderous gaze moved to mine, and I swore they flickered between honey and silver. “Was what?”

“Grim, let it go.” I turned to leave, but he snagged my arm and pushed me up against the window.

“Finish your sentence.”

