Page 11 of The Heart Stealer

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I narrowed my eyes at him, daring to show him just how pissed off and disgusted I was.

He turned away from my black look, barking over his shoulder, “Just stay in here, okay? We’ll talk about this after the game.”

He swung open the door, and I followed him, determined to walk down the hallway and out the front door. He couldn’t keep me here like some prisoner.

Snatching my arm before I could pass him, he shoved me back. “I said stay in here!”

I stumbled, my feet tripping as the momentum took me backward, and whacked my hip against his chest of drawers before tumbling to the carpet.

The photos wobbled, and one toppled over.

Photos of us.

Romantic shots of a loved-up couple.

I stared at the one of him grinning at me while I laughed at whatever he’d just said. That man looked like he loved his woman. That woman looked like she couldn’t have been happier.

And I didn’t even recognize us anymore.

How could that image be Theo and me?

We looked so in love.

And now he was screaming at me and throwing me around like a piece of trash.

I looked up in time to watch his face pucker into a deep frown before he slammed the door shut. “Just do what’s good for you and stay in there. I mean it, Rach! Stay put.”

Pressing the back of my hand against my mouth, I smothered the sobs jerking through me.

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.

It was a living nightmare.

I thought I’d had my worst moment ever when my dad died, but this was next level.

Beaten and locked in a room?

I could try climbing out the window, but what if they saw me? What if they chased me down and pulled me back in here?

I could barely wrap my head around what had happened… what could still happen.

Fear had clutched me so hard and fast that I wasn’t able to move.

And so I stayed.

Right there.

On the floor.

I cradled my aching body, curling into a ball and weeping into the carpet.

And I must have fallen asleep somehow, because the next thing I knew, there was movement in the room.

My eyes cracked open, and I squinted against the hallway light as Theo’s drunk ass stumbled around the bed.

“I won, cutie! Three thousand bucks!” He raised his hands in triumph, flopping onto the bed with a giggle. “I won!” Slapping the covers beside him, he beckoned me off the floor. “Come celebrate with me.”

Over my dead body.
