Page 112 of The Heart Stealer

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I cringe and groan. “What do you think he’d say about the money?”

“Once he was finished beating Theo to a pulp, you mean?”

“Mom, come on.”

She gives me an aggrieved frown before mulling it over. “He’d probably call it dirty money, and he’d want you to burn it. But I say that’s wasteful. You’ve got the smarts and talent to make your dreams come true, Ray. That money could be put to good use.”

“But then a part of Theo would always be attached to this great, wonderful thing.”

“Well, use the money to pay for the toilets, then. Every time you pee or take a dump, you can imagine it landing on his head.”

Laughter bursts out of me. “Mom. You’re so bad.”

“He deserves much worse, believe me.” Her emphatic expression fades away to a soft smile. “I don’t judge you for a second over taking that money. I’m proud of you for walking away. I’m proud of you for making a new life for yourself. And if this apartment works out for you and Mick, then that’s another step in the right direction. You’re a strong woman, Rachel Josephine Beauford. You don’t need a man to succeed, you hear me?”

My lips part. Is she about to tell me to break up with Liam?

Her smile lights up the screen. “A man in your life is a bonus. It’s a pleasure, not a necessity. You know what I mean?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“So, you enjoy being with Liam, but you carve out your own life too. Don’t settle for being a waitress when you want more. Go for your dreams. I know you can do it.”

Biting my lips together, I try to speak past the lump in my throat, but I can’t.

“I believe in you. And I love you.”

“Love you, too, Mom.”

She blows me a kiss, and we wave goodbye.

As soon as the screen goes blank, I drop the phone, swiping at my tears and flopping back onto the pillows.

The party continues to thump beneath me as I close my eyes and picture myself behind a glass cabinet filled with beautiful cakes designed by me. The sign above me sparkles as happy customers walk in my door, oohing and ahhing over my creations.

Sunshine and Cupcakes.

Maybe that dream can become a reality.



I don’t know when Rachel slipped out of the party, but I spent over half an hour looking for her until I finally thought to check my room. She was asleep on my bed, curled up like a cat, blissfully unaware of the world around her.

I covered her with a blanket and crept back downstairs, hanging around to keep an eye on the guys. I drove a bunch of players back to their dorms around two, since I was the only guy sober enough to do it.

Sunday comes around slowly, people staggering out of bed late.

Rachel is already up when I open my eyes, her patch on the bed cold and empty when I brush my arm over it. I instantly miss her. Pulling on a sweater, I pad downstairs to find her cooking up a storm in the kitchen. She’s in leggings and my hockey jersey, making it nearly impossible not to hitch her up on the counter and take her right there.

But Baxter is nursing a coffee, perched on one of the stools and watching her work. His hair is mussed, his expression more curious than grumpy. I give him a silent smile, enjoying the mouthwatering smell of freshly baked muffins before wrapping my arms around my woman and burying my nose in her neck.

Her scent is richer and more beautiful than anything she could ever cook.

“Good morning.” She giggles the words, burrowing back into me while continuing to mix up another batch.

“Are you cooking for an army?”

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