Page 126 of The Heart Stealer

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“Truth? Whatever you tell me will get back to these guys anyway, so…” I shrug.

She stares at me for a long beat, a muscle in her neck straining as she grips her bag strap again.

“What’s said in Hockey House stays in Hockey House,” Mick tells her. “But we can go upstairs if you want.”

“No, that’s cool. She doesn’t mind, right?” The words rush out of me. “I’m gonna tell these guys as soon as you leave anyway.”

Shitballs. I am such a coward.

Her jaw works to the side, her nostrils flaring again as she mutters, “Fuck it.” Unzipping her bag, she yanks it open and proceeds to destroy my life. “I’m pregnant.”

My ears start ringing, and all I can do is blink at her.

She slaps a pregnancy test down on the counter, and I bulge my eyes at it. The pink cross is bright and terrifying.

“And in case you think that one was a mistake, it’s not.”

Turning her bag upside down, she gives it a shake and about twenty tests tumble out of it, hitting the counter and the floor, bouncing off the stool. One of them does a flip, then skids across the tiles, landing against my pinky toe.

I snatch the test off the floor, gaping at it and wondering what happened to my heartbeat. It’s either disappeared or it’s going so fucking fast, I can’t even feel it.

“It’s yours, in case that’s not already clear,” Caroline snaps.

“How do you know?” I rasp.

“Excuse me?”

“How do you know it’s mine?”

Mikayla hisses and starts shaking her head while Caroline glares at me like I’ve just insulted her.

“I know because I met you at a party and thought we had a connection, so I slept with you, and then you said you’d call me.”

I wince. Her eyes are fire right now. An icy blue burn that’s going to turn my insides to ash.

“And then I stupidly waited for your fucking phone call! So that’s how I know it’s yours!”

I gulp, still trying to overcome this numbing shock. It’s hard to think straight. It’s hard to do fucking anything.

Dropping the test on the counter with the others, I lean against it, needing the support to hold me up. “But we used… we would have used protection. I… I always wrap my dick.”

She sighs, her shoulders deflating. “Those things don’t always work. It says so on the box.”

“It does?” My voice pitches. “Where? I mean, shouldn’t that be in bold or something?”

Her fiery gaze starts to lose its energy, her blue eyes filling with a sorrowful look that breaks my fucking heart.

I want to say something to take that frown off her face, but I’ve got nothing.

All I can do is stare at these positive tests and feel my gut sink all the way down to my asshole.


Shit, shit, shit.

“I know you don’t want this to be your problem.” She says the words so softly I nearly miss them. “But Karen thought you should know.”

Her voice drips with sarcasm—a final blow to fuck up my day—before she spins on her heel and heads out the door.
