Page 39 of The Heart Stealer

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“What? No ice cream?” Casey crosses his arms.

I slap his shoulder with the back of my hand, and he gives me a little shove, which propels me into Asher, who ends up spilling his post-workout protein shake all down his front.

“Seriously?” He spins around with a growl while Casey starts laughing like a chimp and I mutter an apology, glancing at Rachel as I grab a dish towel from the kitchen and throw it at him.

Casey scores a slap on the back of the head from Ethan for being an idiot, and Connor and Riley look on with dopey grins.

“Would you guys stop messing around!” Mikayla walks to the coffee table and stands on it. “I have an important announcement to make.”

That grabs our attention, and we all turn to look at her. It cracks me up that even standing on the coffee table only puts her at about eye level with Ethan. Her boyfriend winks at her, and she flashes him a quick grin before beckoning Rachel forward.

Riley’s eyebrow arches with approval as she shuffles into view, and Connor gives her a double take.

“Hey.” He smiles at her, and something sharp spikes inside my chest.

I frown at the back of his head before noticing Rachel’s shy smile and little wave.

“Don’t worry about those two. They’re harmless.” Mikayla gives Rachel’s shoulder a light squeeze as she clears her throat. “Everyone, this is my best friend, Rachel, and she’s just discovered that the guy she was living with is a first-class meathead. He’s an eleven out of ten on the asshole scale, and because she’s a smart, beautiful woman who knows her worth, she’s left him.”

“All right!”

“Clever girl!”


I grin at the cheers she’s getting and wish with every fiber in my body that she’d glance my way. But she’s too busy blushing at the floor.

“So… she’s currently without a home, and I was just wondering if you guys would be okay with her crashing here for a little bit until she figures out what she wants to do. And before you give me a rousing ‘Puck yeah’—” She raises her hands, glancing at Rachel with a quick wink. “—you also need to be aware that if Theo the Thundercunt or any of his friends come within a mile of my girl here, I’m expecting you to run some interference for us. You’re welcome to hit them with your car, shove your hockey sticks up their butts or squish their balls flatter than a crepe. Whatever takes your fancy. We all cool with that?”

“Puck yeah!” We don’t even hesitate before shouting it in unison.

We’re so loud, Rachel actually flinches, her eyes popping wide for a minute before a stunning smile takes over her face.

My mouth goes dry as I soak her in.

She’s so fucking gorgeous.

And sweet.

And she’s staying.

Her gaze finds mine across the room, and she gives me a doubtful frown. “I can move to the couch if you want.”

“Don’t you dare,” Mikayla answers for me. “You’re not sleeping on Asher’s wanking couch.”

“It’s not my—” Asher shuts up fast because he’s got no argument.

Mikayla’s look says it all, and I can’t help wrinkling my nose in disgust. “I’m getting the disinfectant.” Casey and Connor crack up laughing while I gather the cleaning supplies. “Ray, you can stay in my room for as long as you need it.”

“Thank you.” She mouths the words at me when I turn with an armload of rags and disinfectant.

We share a smile that somehow feels secret.

Oh man, this girl’s gonna burrow. She’s gonna burrow deep, and I’m helpless to stop it.

Warning bells start clanging inside me as I take the Lysol spray and head for Asher’s man cave. He chases after me, wanting to check the bottle to make sure it’s safe to use on leather.

“Is semen good for leather? Have you googled that?” Casey yells after him.
